Leading questions: Ian Ford, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People


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Apr 18, 2004
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Leading questions: Ian Ford, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People | Society | The Guardian

It is Deaf Awareness Week. What is its aim?

The UK Council on Deafness co-ordinates the week and Hearing Dogs is one of the larger charities involved. The aim is to raise awareness of organisations that support deaf people, their family and friends, and to raise awareness about deafness in general. It's the invisible disability.

How is the charity getting involved?

We're getting staff, volunteers and hearing dogs' owners to promote the week. We've smaller initiatives involving our volunteers and branches.

How do hearing dogs help the deaf?

We train dogs to alert deaf people to household sounds and danger signals – such as a doorbell, telephone or a smoke alarm – either at home, work or in public buildings. Once trained, a hearing dog is matched with a deaf person. The dogs wear a burgundy jacket and are provided free of charge.

Has deaf awareness improved?

Talking to family and friends who are outside of the deaf community, I think it is getting better. The more dogs we've got out there, the more it helps the deaf community.

What is the biggest challenge you face?

It's no different to any other chief executive in the not-for-profit sector. We know we're in for a hard time over the next few years, so funding is really important. The other thing is volunteers. Our charity simply couldn't function without volunteers, and we always need more.

What drew you to this role?

My background was in the commercial sector and I really wanted to put something back rather than just increasing share prices for some large organisation. Hearing Dogs was looking for a finance director and I've got a finance background. I thought its work was amazing and being a dog-lover helped. I got the finance job six years ago and the chief executive role two years after that.

Are you happier in the voluntary sector?

Yes, I wish I had made the change years ago. I probably would have been on a higher salary had I stayed within large private sector organisations, probably with less responsibility, but the job satisfaction here completely outweighs that.

What skills do you bring to the job?

Finance skills – understanding the economy and what is going on is vital – and sheer hard work and enthusiasm.

What is your leadership style ?

Giving individuals responsibility to move things forward. I think that attitude has helped Hearing Dogs move forward.

Your hopes for the future?

I really want us to meet the demand for dogs, so we've got to grow. I'd love Hearing Dogs to become a household name, like Guide Dogs.

How do you relax?

Bike riding. I'm also a Stoke City Football Club supporter.

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