Laws of Love..


Active Member
Apr 29, 2003
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The Laws of Sex & Romance


The Most Basic Law of Respect in Romance

Whoever is going the fastest must slow down and go as slow as the slowest one, or there can be no healthy progress. Breaking that law is called romantic-rape. The person doing it often calls the victim commitmentphobic. The consequences of breaking the law range from alienation to restraining orders.

The Most Basic Law of Respect in Sex

Whoever is going the fastest must slow down and go as slow as the slowest one, or there can be no healthy progress. Breaking that law is called date-rape. The person doing it often calls the victim frigid. The consequences of breaking the law range from alienation to a prison sentence.

There are exceptions to every law...but very few.
Some other assorted laws....

The more friendship you give - the more romance you'll get.
The more romance you give - the more friendship you'll get.
The more certain you are - the less certain they become.
The less certain you are - the more certain they become.
The slower you go - the better it takes.
If romance is giving you more pain than pleasure for longer than a month, either you're doing something wrong or you're doing it with the wrong one. Change something now.

I thought this is good article for yall to read.. so enjoy! :)
If romance is giving you more pain than pleasure for longer than a month, either you're doing something wrong or you're doing it with the wrong one. Change something now...

that's what I experienced :( wrong girl
If romance is giving you more pain than pleasure for longer than a month, either you're doing something wrong or you're doing it with the wrong one. Change something now.

This part is not good at all had some experiences like this. I had this one guy in my past years ago, who just kept me hanging on I don't like those games.