Latest Vent of the day


AD Veteran
Premium Member
Nov 20, 2006
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I have to vent here, since I have nowhere to vent elsewhere and this is the only forum I can get anyone's to understand what is going on here, I have to vent all about the deaf culture I am in and inbetween the hearing world and mine. Whenever I chat with my hearing friends and my other deaf friends such on MSN and AIM.

I find whenever I chat with them and I end up getting awkward moments with the peope I talk with, I and I realise that I have the weakness to keep the conversation going, I am just as shit as I am to be a converlisat (whatever!) just that I am annoyed that I end the conversation short time and this is just weird for me. Such as I said in a conversation with a good greeting and chat about what news and all but in the end, I am always the person to run out of topics but I see the difference I am a good conversalit in person but not online. I am a good coversatlit on AD such you have seen me talking well and depth around the forum but it goes differently on when i am outisde. I just get these major WTFs here.

Thank you reading :(
Not worrier you re not alone :hug: You will be fine! You and I did enjoy short conversation on a VP! However, will be talking to you on a VP soon! :D
Not worrier you re not alone :hug: You will be fine! You and I did enjoy short conversation on a VP! However, will be talking to you on a VP soon! :D

Not until the internet issues are resolved :(
Don't worry. I am the same way when chatting online. I would rather do emails and texting where I can just say whatever I have to say and be done with it. I'm far better with conversations in person. You are not alone.
Don't worry. I am the same way when chatting online. I would rather do emails and texting where I can just say whatever I have to say and be done with it. I'm far better with conversations in person. You are not alone.

I'm the same.
You're not the only one. I have had very few people whom I could chat with for hours.

It is a truly odd thing with certain people when you start to chat about things, and then they say they gotta go or wait for you to start a topic. I had a girl once say she had to go. I went back online, and she was there. I told her about it, and she was just sorry admitting that she wasn't crazy about the conversation I was having with her. Why can't she just say what's bothering her instead of lie about it? I stopped chatting with her because I felt like what was the point?

I end up wondering, so what the heck do they talk about with their other friends that keeps them interested? I'd like to know. I guess I like deep conversations. I don't know. I have cousins I have tried to chat with, but their chat is short and they have something else to do. In person, it's different!! Only thing is that they live long distance, so I thought I'd try to keep in touch by texting. I have also tried to wait and let the person text me first, but they don't.

I haven't used chat in awhile because of this. I don't want to wonder why. Maybe you'll be better off not chatting anymore and converse in real life instead.
No one but me thought of this point.

You talk to us so much here at AllDeaf, when do you have time to talk to other people?:P
Same thing here Jacob, I would talk to my gf, friends online for hours and hours 'til dawn then we would run out of topics and suchs and only to realize we have nothing more to talk about. Then we wouldn't be able to chat for a while, that's a weird feeling. There goes my WTF moment.
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Yes it does, Jacob. Very.

Edit:Forget to add n't at the end of "would"
For me it's not talking for hours and having nothing to say. It's more like you start to chat and 5 minutes later they don't have nothing to talk about. It is awkward.

The ones I have talked to would talk on and on. We could go on for hours, but we had to go somewhere or be tired to need to stop chatting.

Anyway, I don't care for chatting online anymore.