Last Exile review for anime lovers to watch


New Member
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Before I can add other and my review, I am not sure where to put anime topic but I saw Steel's anime topic in this forum so I assume it is ok for me to post the anime.. In anime's view, anime isn't cartoon, it is in different category but whatever :) Anyway here's's and my review:

Claus Valca lives in Prestale, a world within an endless sea of cloud where an enormous storm called Grand Stream rages on unceasingly in the sky above. Working in the carrier business as pilot on a Van Ship (flying boat) which his father had left behind, he dreams of passing through the impassable storm to reach beyond. His friend Lavie Hed helps him out with the business as a highly skilled navigator and a mechanic, and she too, dreams of going beyond the Grand Stream.

A ceaseless war has been fought in Prestale between two nations that occupy the world which involved flying battleships in occasional skirmishes, and for Claus and Lavie who live in a small town, the war has been a remote incident unrelated to their lives. One day, however, they witness a savage battle when they deliver a letter to the commander of a fleet of flying battleships. The incident marks a drastic change in the course of the war.
Because of their insatiable desire to reach beyond the Grand Stream, they inadvertently get involved in the war that is about to affect the lives of all people in Prestale.

It is a-must anime to watch. I watched only 5 eps and it hooked me in already. Last Exile made from GONZO (Hellsing, Blue Submarine No. 6, Vandread, Chrno Crusade, etc). GONZO bring a richly romantic action/adventure fantasy in an imaginary world where retro-futuristic sky vehicles permeate the skies. Last Exile is one of the best, most refreshing series to come along in long while. No huge robots, no anime-typical (or stereotypical) type cast characters. However it is 26 eps anime and it will be worth your time if you watcn that serie. Beautiful artworks, perfectly perfect animations, well-developed characters, twisted plots, and few more.. To summary up, Last Exile is possible best Anime story ever since Macross (quote from NewType)








Last Exile is out on DVDs few months ago, you can check out at and such to get it. Or use streamload and p2p to get it either way. If you want to know which cheap animes to get from online store, let me know.. I will post the links for you. Cheers!
the screenshots are pretty impressive...

would definetly love to watch this sometime
This is great, I have this on DVD already. I can watch it and see why it's so good, only seen the first disc. I also have Final Fantasy Unlimited and I love it so far.