Lake Tahoe! :)


Lets ride horses!
Premium Member
Aug 10, 2006
Reaction score
I cannot find the thread that you re pregnant?

I recently checked the Facebook, and you are pregnant? :confused:

I just want say & :type:

Congratulate to you and DHB!! :D
Congratulations from me too. I think it was just announced in the Lounge thread, but it seems proper to have an official thread for the purpose. :)
Actually it was in ONG thread where I announced there.

will be 13th week by tomorrow

I cannot find the thread that you re pregnancy?

I recently checked the Facebook, and you are pregnancy? :confused:

I just want say & :type:

Congratulate to you and DM!! :D
Wrong word....pregnancy no...pregnant.


Yes I am.
I cannot find the thread that you re pregnancy?

I recently checked the Facebook, and you are pregnancy? :confused:

I just want say & :type:

Congratulate to you and DM!! :D
LT, How are you feeling now? Still feeling sick?

Usually the morning sickness gets better after the first trimester.

I really was fortunate with both of my pregnancies. BUT!! I could not eat meat. It made me sick to smell it, to taste it, much less to eat it. Seem like everything tasted raw. So I survived on eating veggies, and COLD, COLD, Milk or water.

That was throughout my whole pregnancy! With both of my kids. A few weeks after I had the kids. I could eat meat again. :lol: Weird I Know! but it was the only the affected me.
One of the things that I did crave!! Was Gummie bears, and Avocados!!

My nausea finally went away. I threw up only like 3-4 times in my 1st trimester. Baby didn't like me take Halls or eat kelsblia (dunno how to spell it correct). Craving OJ and sometimes lemon. MMMM! And pineapples! YUMM! Umm I will have some pineapples later...MMM! MMM! I know too much acid but I can't help it! :lol: I can eat most anything but I am more careful so I don't gain too much. So far I am stable with weigh. :) Whew! My mood was so calm!

With my son, I never had nausea at all! My mood was awful! LOL! Gained too much but lost back to old weigh because breast feeding help. Then I stopped bf and gained. GRRR!

So I will keep breastfeeding...healthy! :) Formula are too expensive! I only use it for cereal cuz it keep it thick. My son loved thick not runny.

1st I don't get that tired but with 2nd...oh my gosh! I slept tooooo much! Now I feel much better, and a bit tired...:)
Thank god for 2nd trimester! her 1st trimester isn't as bad as first pregnant 1st trimester!

Today is her last day of first trimester
LakeTahoe, I read your post on status at FB. Congratulation on your pregnant! When is baby's due?
wow, I´m exciting for you both...

Congratulations both of you! :hug: