ladies and gentlemens I need your help!!

Marko IIT

New Member
Apr 9, 2012
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My name is Marko and I am a student at Illinois Institute of Technology. It is my honor to be in your community. I am a computer science major and I really need to help in order to initiate the project related to deaf people and music.

I would like to say something about the project first. We are trying to develop the application for windows, mac and android users which will create the interaction between hearing and deaf people by using music.
The idea is the application will, according to the input music, create the unique representation of visualizations, lyrics, vibration, sign language, dancing avatar with facial expression with movable lips... Further more, these music representations will be very complex and will require experience and knowledge in order to have special meaning to deaf people. So, the tutorials will be provided where we all together can learn about music concepts such as instruments, notes, melodies, scales, rhythm and how to perfectly interpret the visual, vibrational and other signs.

In addition to this learning portion, the application will provide you tools to create YOUR UNIQUE SOUNDS, SHARE IT AND GET A FEEDBACK FROM THE PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD. Things only start here. The device will be able to catch the sound from the environment and transfer it into our offered representation. Imagine scenario where you visit the concert of your favorite band. This mobile application will provide you the signs which you know how to interpret and your experience will be very similar to their.

This is the idea concept and WE NEED YOUR HELP AND FEEDBACK. We want to know what do you thing about our idea and how we can improve it. the question which we would like you to answer is: What are the most understandable signs to experience music? what would you like to add? Show us your interest? we want your unique sounds and we want to interact with you.

please, if you want to help and chat with me, just send me an email on and have fun talking.
This is the second time you posted this.

On a deaf forum, you really aren't going to get that much interest, no matter how many times you ask.
Hello, thank you for your respond. Really, thank you. at least, now I know that there is no hope for me to find deaf people willing to communicate with me.

I don't understand why because I am excited about helping other people. I won't stop. Tomorrow I am gonna miss the classes and visit the deaf community organization in Chicago. At least, I will learn some ASL.
Hi Marko 11T: I am not sure if my experiences since becoming bilateral DEAF- December 20, 2006 is of "computer value"-to you.
Although I have/use a Cochlear Implant and "hear music" at all dances I have been to.
However, I have tested what if anything I hear by disconnecting my Implant. Absolutely nothing. I have tested if feeling "vibrations from loud speakers" is the same as hearing dance music.Again no! Ostensibly some DEAF members here claimed that could. Thus my tests in actual circumstances.
A computer programme utilizing ASL wouldn't be "hearing music". Would that entail ASL for music notes?

Hope your start at learning ASL in Chicago is of some value.

one side note: I was advised that the fact I went to dances "assisted" my brain in hearing people even though "loud music" was playing at dances.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Marko IIT said:
Hello, thank you for your respond. Really, thank you. at least, now I know that there is no hope for me to find deaf people willing to communicate with me.

I don't understand why because I am excited about helping other people. I won't stop. Tomorrow I am gonna miss the classes and visit the deaf community organization in Chicago. At least, I will learn some ASL.

It's mainly because we already DO experience music, just in a slightly different way than hearing people. In fact many of us are musicians (so we also read sheet music etc. Making much of your visualization ideas moot).

It's your product we're not especially interested in, not you.

If you want to chat about other things, you'll likely get a much better response.
Hey, I am deaf. I don't need music. I like to feel the VROOOM sounds that cars with turbocharged engine makes. It's the most smooooothing sound I would ever feel. More smoothing that any musics that can be produced.
Wow, thank you people so much. This is mostly what I needed. I wanted to see does this project have any sense.. according to you , it seems that the impact is not significant.

I was reading a lot about CI, and that device is something really special. I hope that as technology improved, you will be able to do everything. I also read that there is some conspiracy about these implants and that they rarely work. I am glad that it worked for you.

About ASL and notes? If you need it, you will get it. Since I am a musician, I understand that representing notes through the ASL has a limitations because of the speed and all the additional meaning which music possesses.. As someone said in this forum, learning musical notes will make you musicians. Thanks God for that and I strongly encourage you to do that!! My concern is about the experience. I would like you people to have something which will make profoundly deaf people, without CI, to go out with me, dance, make comments about the music..

out of the topic question: how hard is to learn "lips reading"? I see this beside ASL as a very applicable skill.
I have and suffer from musical the saying "Don't Stop the Music" rings true with me, along with many other late-deafened....
Hi Marko 11T: I am not sure if my experiences since becoming bilateral DEAF- December 20, 2006 is of "computer value"-to you.
Although I have/use a Cochlear Implant and "hear music" at all dances I have been to.
However, I have tested what if anything I hear by disconnecting my Implant. Absolutely nothing. I have tested if feeling "vibrations from loud speakers" is the same as hearing dance music.Again no! Ostensibly some DEAF members here claimed that could. Thus my tests in actual circumstances.
A computer programme utilizing ASL wouldn't be "hearing music". Would that entail ASL for music notes?

Hope your start at learning ASL in Chicago is of some value.

one side note: I was advised that the fact I went to dances "assisted" my brain in hearing people even though "loud music" was playing at dances.

Wow, you can't imagine how much you helped me with your respond.
I read a lot about CI, and I am glad that it works for you. Hopefully the technology will bring more improvements to CI.

So far, I understand that my project will not have significant impact on the people who can hear at least something or where CI works. What about deaf people who are profoundly deaf, without CI? I think that these people told you about sensing the music through the vibrations and so on.. What do you think of that??

My goal is "something" which will make profoundly deaf people to go out with me, dance and be able to make valid comments about the music. Few weeks ago, I was listening Chicago Symphony Orchestra and it was wonderful. I wonder, can I have a deaf friend who will share that experience with me at the same level by using "something"? I think that this can be accomplished.

Experience for both of us will offer much more interaction between us.

out of the topic question: How hard is to learn "lips reading"? are there any tricks, tutorials? I think that learning ASL and lips reading will extend my horizons.

one more time, thank you for your responses.
As a DEAF person to date I have not experienced music when I disconnect my Implant.

Ostensibly "some" DEAF persons do. Unaware why the differentiation between DEAF persons re: hearing music other than having auditory memory from the past?

Another exercise in Sociology
As a DEAF person to date I have not experienced music when I disconnect my Implant.

Ostensibly "some" DEAF persons do. Unaware why the differentiation between DEAF persons re: hearing music other than having auditory memory from the past?

Another exercise in Sociology

well, it is nice to know that CI works. I wonder, how many people implemented CI, what percentage is satisfied and demographics. Probably some parts of the world do not have a chance to get it?!
It is interesting that with out CI, you didn't experience the music and some people are.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

"Drphil" is actually the first and only hoh or deaf person I've ever known who has said they are not able to interact with music (to any degree) without using their HA or CI - simply as a naturally hoh or deaf person.

He'd be an example of an exception, not the rule.

We typically are able to interpret music through vibration, and residual hearing - if the music is loud enough eg at concerts or via amplified headphones etc.(Which is often well over +120db)

Even typical volume music can be felt by lightly touching a table,wall,floor, or object like a inflated ball or balloon.
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Hi Marko 11T: I am not sure if my experiences since becoming bilateral DEAF- December 20, 2006 is of "computer value"-to you.
Although I have/use a Cochlear Implant and "hear music" at all dances I have been to.
However, I have tested what if anything I hear by disconnecting my Implant. Absolutely nothing. I have tested if feeling "vibrations from loud speakers" is the same as hearing dance music.Again no! Ostensibly some DEAF members here claimed that could. Thus my tests in actual circumstances.
A computer programme utilizing ASL wouldn't be "hearing music". Would that entail ASL for music notes?

Hope your start at learning ASL in Chicago is of some value.

one side note: I was advised that the fact I went to dances "assisted" my brain in hearing people even though "loud music" was playing at dances.
hello DRPHIL. Your respond helped me a lot. I understand that for the people who hear at least something or CI works for them, my project is useless. What about people who are profoundly deaf and CI didn't work for them? or deaf people who do not have a chance to get CI?

I think that CI is a revolution and eventually will work for all you guys.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Marko IIT said:
I think that CI is a revolution and eventually will work for all you guys.

You're assuming we all want CI , which isn't at all the case.
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Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

"Drphil" is actually the first and only hoh or deaf person I've ever known who has said they are not able to interact with music (to any degree) without using their HA or CI - simply as a naturally hoh or deaf person.

He'd be an example of an exception, not the rule.

We typically are able to interpret music through vibration, and residual hearing - if the music is loud enough eg at concerts or via amplified headphones etc.(Which is often well over +120db)

Even typical volume music can be felt by lightly touching a table,wall,floor, or object like a inflated ball or balloon.

Anij, it is obvious that people have different experiences. As someone who knows a little about this topic, I can say that it probably depends on the level of deafness, age.. If someone lost hearing at 25, it is normal that his new experience with the music is totally irrelevant compering to previous experience.

The things you said about vibrations is something which my research showed. That is the reason why my group started this idea. Your respond means a lot because it creates opportunity space for our application. If we provide better way of sensing vibrations( and various types) with other additional signs such as lyrics, emotions, visual representation, we think that we can enhance the experience of some deaf people. After all, vibrations represent the bass ( rhytam) what about melody?
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

You're assuming we all want CI , which isn't at all the case.

yes, I assumed. Now I know that someone don't. Probably there is a reason for that and that is a completely new story. Sorry if I insulted anyone with my assumption.
Anij, it is obvious that people have different experiences. As someone who knows a little about this topic, I can say that it probably depends on the level of deafness, age.. If someone lost hearing at 25, it is normal that his new experience with the music is totally irrelevant compering to previous experience.

The things you said about vibrations is something which my research showed. That is the reason why my group started this idea. Your respond means a lot because it creates opportunity space for our application. If we provide better way of sensing vibrations( and various types) with other additional signs such as lyrics, emotions, visual representation, we think that we can enhance the experience of some deaf people. After all, vibrations represent the bass ( rhytam) what about melody?

If I thought vibrations were so much fun, I could start a new deaf social where we all went out and stood on air conditioning units.

It would be much better vibrations.
If I thought vibrations were so much fun, I could start a new deaf social where we all went out and stood on air conditioning units.

It would be much better vibrations.

I don't think that vibrations are fun, especially alone. But what if you can follow the lyrics, the leading instrument melody and all of that perfectly integrated into the timeline of vibrations.

I don't found you example of air conditioning vibrations very silly because the music started long time ago by punching bones into a rock. This created sounds and vibration. Now, people treat music as a way of living.

The sound of air condition unit with rhythm and leading instrument and singing can be very fun. People do things like that all the time. that is creativity. that is FUN.
I don't think that vibrations are fun, especially alone. But what if you can follow the lyrics, the leading instrument melody and all of that perfectly integrated into the timeline of vibrations.

I don't found you example of air conditioning vibrations very silly because the music started long time ago by punching bones into a rock. This created sounds and vibration. Now, people treat music as a way of living.

The sound of air condition unit with rhythm and leading instrument and singing can be very fun. People do things like that all the time. that is creativity. that is FUN.

It isn't interesting to me. Just because it interests you as a hearing person, does not mean I need it modified for me to enjoy it.

I can enjoy many different things, and they don't have to be the same things that you enjoy.
It isn't interesting to me. Just because it interests you as a hearing person, does not mean I need it modified for me to enjoy it.

I can enjoy many different things, and they don't have to be the same things that you enjoy.

Ok, here we are talking about music experience. I know many hearing people who do not enjoy music and that is ok. I was referring to the people which has an interest in this. I am driven by the fact that music means so much to hearing people so I would like to help people who are interesting in the same thing.

I know that you are enjoying in many different things. I will enjoy learning ASL and lips reading.. OOO, believe me I will. I am gonna use it.