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me too .. feel sad taht liebling lost her beloved Kim.. im sorry i didnt see this thread too.. :(   I used to have a tortoise shell cat and her name was Patches. I got her when she was 3 days old.. as her momma got hit by car so i bottle fed her, her sister and her brother. Her brother died. so that left Patches and Shey. They grew up into beautiful cats. Shey was independent but Patches wasnt. she was too attached to me. Shey died when she was 7 yrs old..  Patches died at age of 15 yrs on feb 28, 2005.. she became blind in one eye and was deaf too. Patches was a sweet cat and love everyone even kids  but she was loyal to only me..  I sure missed Patches so much as she was like my furbaby as i bottlefed her and everything.. here is her picture taken on dec 25, 2004
