kids not listening at school


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Jun 23, 2003
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lately the teacher mostly gave us :-| face or :-( face.. only 2 times :) face.

i've been trying to tell my son to listen to the teacher right before school and act good. when he comes home with the paper.. i looked at it and i got upset

asked him what he do wrong.

he tells me..

but my plan since was if he's good for whole week at school i'm gonna take him somewhere fun like chuck e' cheese.. he never made it since.

and we feel that its not working. any ideas about this?
no help??!! he's impulsive and doesn't listen to teacher or daycare or parents sometimes... we want to have some advices

what should we do? for example at school today, teacher told sean to stop running at school and got warned twice -- and he didn't listen to the teacher. and same thing for wednesday -- he ran and didn't listen to teacher too and one other thing -- we got disappointed in sean and we don't know what to do.

any advices for rewards?
Is Sean in preschool? Or public school??

There are many reasons why children are mis-behaving,paying attention, and listening, it could be that Sean might be having some learning disabilities. Have he ever been testing (evaluation by an experienced professional)? It is sometimes difficult to figure out the child's problems.

My younger son has a learning disability, because of the fact he never went to pre-school and education has been change from over the past to present, more hard work and knowledge had changed, and things has been going too fast for my son. There are times he would misbehave in school, like shouting out answers, going under the chair, having difficult focusing on his school work, paying attention, this doesn't happened everyday, but it happened like 2 times a week or so. We've found out that my son has been through so much pressuring in trying to catch up, he felt that everything is thrown at him all at once. We've had an IEP meeting, on how to come up with a better plan and goal for my son, I've put him in speech, I've got him a tutor, I'm working with him every night, and showed him how to act in school, how to write neatly instead of sloppy handwriting, reading, etc. he has turned around for the better, he improved so much in a matter of days. All it took is have a little more patience and understanding.

I think with Sean he might have an issue with focusing, knowing who's the boss, You just got to work with him, tried to make him understand. He might have the same problem as my son, but who knows really. Don't pressure him because you won't get anything good out of it. You should schedule a meeting with his teacher/experienced professional to discuss the problem and how to improve his behavior.

My young son do get prizes at school for his good behavior, and I think he likes that very much. If you could do that that would work maybe. ;)

Good luck!!
Rewards and threatened punishment doesn't always help a child behave or follow whatever rules that he must obey...The only way to improve his misbehavior is disciplining your child

Before you do, first explain to Sean what you both expect of him before you punish him for a certain behavior... For instance, if he runs around during class, he might end up hurting another student by an accident, running can cause serious body harm etc and discuss with him of why that's not allowed and what will happen if he does it again etc..then decide what sort of disciplining will be best to teach him not to do it again but it IS very important for parents to decide together so that way it can work well by allowing the child to listen to BOTH parents not one, .If he does it again, just continue disciplining him this will force your child to think twice about how he behaved but remember discipline is not just about punishment but also to help recognize what is right and wrong......It works well with my three children, sometimes I have to put my feeling aside to keep my children from misbehave not only in school but everywhere we go...
Is Sean in preschool? Or public school??

There are many reasons why children are mis-behaving,paying attention, and listening, it could be that Sean might be having some learning disabilities. Have he ever been testing (evaluation by an experienced professional)? It is sometimes difficult to figure out the child's problems.

My younger son has a learning disability, because of the fact he never went to pre-school and education has been change from over the past to present, more hard work and knowledge had changed, and things has been going too fast for my son. There are times he would misbehave in school, like shouting out answers, going under the chair, having difficult focusing on his school work, paying attention, this doesn't happened everyday, but it happened like 2 times a week or so. We've found out that my son has been through so much pressuring in trying to catch up, he felt that everything is thrown at him all at once. We've had an IEP meeting, on how to come up with a better plan and goal for my son, I've put him in speech, I've got him a tutor, I'm working with him every night, and showed him how to act in school, how to write neatly instead of sloppy handwriting, reading, etc. he has turned around for the better, he improved so much in a matter of days. All it took is have a little more patience and understanding.

I think with Sean he might have an issue with focusing, knowing who's the boss, You just got to work with him, tried to make him understand. He might have the same problem as my son, but who knows really. Don't pressure him because you won't get anything good out of it. You should schedule a meeting with his teacher/experienced professional to discuss the problem and how to improve his behavior.

My young son do get prizes at school for his good behavior, and I think he likes that very much. If you could do that that would work maybe. ;)

Good luck!!
what do you mean about don't pressure him on?

do you think spanking helps?
I don´t need to say anything here because Angel already posted. I agree with her totally.


Get the child physican to test his behavior to find out what kind of behavior he has. Simple fill the questions and answers form what you know Sean´s behavior and then gave it to Child Physican. Perhaps ADD or ADHD or ???? then you will know how help to improve his behavior. The doctor will send Sean to therapy to work to improve his behavior.

I speak out of my experience because my oldest son has ADD. We work to develop his behavior at early age. He is a good teenager now. Just 14 years old yesterday.

I don´t know what kind of diets you gave him.... The foods and drink where the sugar including is the problem how to drive the children wild.

Did you know that the children should not eat something where the sugar including after 3 pm case it drive them wild and can´t sleep well?
what do you mean about don't pressure him on?

do you think spanking helps?

No, spanking, blackmails, threaten and reward doesn´t help anything but worst. They are not form of discipline.

Cheri mean is patience... Yes, she is right.. .Its about parental patience and focus children´s behavior... and discipline them patience until they are older to familar what right or wrong... try something with trick ... sometimes it work good but not always. Patience is worth... then you will have less stress when Sean become teenager...
what do you mean about don't pressure him on?

do you think spanking helps?

What I meant by pressuring, like yelling, spanking etc. You never know that Sean has ADHD which stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or any other disabilities. That's why he needs to be tested by an experienced professional, but don't make them put him on medication, there's another way to help him get better by working with him. Find where the problem lays develop a plan that's right for Sean and make changes that allow learning in ways that work best for Sean.

Teacher thought medication should be included for my son, I said no way! There gonna be another way, and there was another way. I had the board of education on my side. Sean's performance in school might be unacceptable to you, and think you need to punished him, but really you don't know if Sean has some disabilities that cause him to act the way he acts in school. Have you tried to tell him repeatedly this was unacceptable and did it work? I'm sure it didn't right? That's why I think Sean needs to be evaluate, so they can try to get the whole picture of your child, if he has some disability, then you'll know what to do from there. But, only you know your child well enough, not them, because you're with Sean more than they are. You can put in your insight on how you think would be best for Sean if they tell you something else otherwise. It's very important to have the knowledge of your child, why he acts the way he acts, why isn't he listening to "the boss" and why is he running around? ;)

I have a copy of the evaluation report of my young son, I knew where he needs help on, and it gives me a chance to work with him to help him improve his school tasks and his behavior as well. It's a slow process, but it comes with patience and understanding ;) If you keep disciplining him, You won't be able to help him with the problem he is having. Why don't you try to show him how to act in school, by using yourself and OldNavy, and let him watch you both act, maybe that can give him the understanding. It's worth the try. ;)
My kids are old enough to know the rules and when they break them they have extra chores to do and they get grounded and along with a talk about why they behaved that way and what they should have done. I let my kids tell me what would be the right thing to do. and they tell me. when they do I tell them to stop and think and remember to do the right thing.

I feel that rewarding him goes a long way.. It doesn't mean you have to GIVE a child a materialistic phrasing the child and bragging on how well he has done that day for school is an excellent tool. Make them proud of good choices.

My main thing is just be consistent with what you say and do. Be a good role model and show the kids how to behave.
Sorry... I have to disagree with you.. Babyblue... I completely agree with Cheri..... it takes lots of patiences and working with a child.. I applaud Cheri...
Sorry... I have to disagree with you.. Babyblue... I completely agree with Cheri..... it takes lots of patiences and working with a child.. I applaud Cheri...

In what manner do you disagree with me?

You can not just let the child rule the roots you have to discipline a child to TEACH. That is whats wrong with the world today.
In what manner do you disagree with me?

You can not just let the child rule the roots you have to discipline a child to TEACH. That is whats wrong with the world today.

You have to remember EVERY child are different... always some reasons why they did not listen..... every child need to be tested to find out whats problems and see what kind of help every child needs... I went through with my son... he was ADD...
You have to remember EVERY child are different... always some reasons why they did not listen..... every child need to be tested to find out whats problems and see what kind of help every child needs... I went through with my son... he was ADD...

I also have a son with ADHD .........but the pills alone doesn't work!! That is why consistency is important and to show him the right way of doing things.

The medication is not a Miracle pill is something to help him concentrate, It is still the parents responsibility to show the child how to do the right thing.
mostly kids always not listen to teacher all the times that wrong!

and sometimes kids getting fight all the times they get out school very early hours no jokes!

i never have problems at school when i was grow-up i always focus at teachers must!

i watch news about school got shut down dues kids got fight all the times and gone home very early hours they again in morning but must have security to stop fight every hours as behaves! and also must gone to principal or get home give note to parents for bad behaviors of students!

im sure parents need have serious about children's evaluation in classes to improve include A and B only not get C and D,F as failures grades.

if i have my own kids one days i tell my kids you should listen to day care teacher or teacher for good behaviors in grades no low grade just focus education and teachers and also discipline,patience.If my kids get in trouble they i will give my kids have chores and no shopping,out dating,anythings must stay home till done homework! that my rules in my futures but i will read my children's grades if pass grade they can have go anywhere include shopping,dating and no underages drink! if my kids have drive and cell phone to school and got serious trouble in school or anywhere i will taking both for weeks or more!

im tell you about your children if your children become older who going anywhere getting more troubles in school what you thinking about getting punish?
mostly kids always not listen to teacher all the times that wrong!

and sometimes kids getting fight all the times they get out school very early hours no jokes!

i never have problems at school when i was grow-up i always focus at teachers must!

i watch news about school got shut down dues kids got fight all the times and gone home very early hours they again in morning but must have security to stop fight every hours as behaves! and also must gone to principal or get home give note to parents for bad behaviors of students!

im sure parents need have serious about children's evaluation in classes to improve include A and B only not get C and D,F as failures grades.

if i have my own kids one days i tell my kids you should listen to day care teacher or teacher for good behaviors in grades no low grade just focus education and teachers and also discipline,patience.If my kids get in trouble they i will give my kids have chores and no shopping,out dating,anythings must stay home till done homework! that my rules in my futures but i will read my children's grades if pass grade they can have go anywhere include shopping,dating and no underages drink! if my kids have drive and cell phone to school and got serious trouble in school or anywhere i will taking both for weeks or more!

im tell you about your children if your children become older who going anywhere getting more troubles in school what you thinking about getting punish?

I agree..take their privileges away if they don't follow the rules. If they do better slowly give the privileges back.....
I also have a son with ADHD .........but the pills alone doesn't work!! That is why consistency is important and to show him the right way of doing things.

The medication is not a Miracle pill is something to help him concentrate, It is still the parents responsibility to show the child how to do the right thing.

Yeah, I understand how u feel thru with ur child.. sometimes frustrated and want to giving-up... I don't blame you... My daughter is little same thing. Only what I am doing is I have to BE patience with her as ALWAYS. It is working for her.. She is doing well in school and at home too now. Just keep it going everyday with parent's love and encourage.

Spanking helps? Answer is no. It will NOT working. The children needs from parent's encourage and love. It is REALLY helping for children.


I have sister that's ADD and my parent was grounded her and loss of privilege then she's still not improved, just got more worse then my parent has no choice to do otherway but rather sent her to therapist and still not very effective, plus she was almost to sent to juvenile detention center and got warned by police for runaway at twice.

It's difficult to get deal with children with ADD but my parent don't know that sister was diagnosed with ADD when she was 14 years, currently age is 16. Now, I was told that she has some changes after took new pill for ADD and seems improve in some part, plus visit to therapist too. You have rights to discuss with teacher about something that should work out, such as give some copies of lecture paper or work paper to parent then lecturing to their child, one on one and would improve the grade but loss of privilege and punishment aren't good practice for child with ADD, my parent has learned their mistake and taking care of my sister now.

Some ADD child are sent to special school, even some of them are in home school with one on one, in case if ADD child cannot work out at public school.

It's stupid to send ADD child to juvenile detention center, unless if they are commit crime or extreme aggressive with someone, such as teacher, parent or so, for innocent ADD child then it would make more worse and worse at JDC, some parent did sent innocent ADD child to JDC, ugh.
Yeah, I understand how u feel thru with ur child.. sometimes frustrated and want to giving-up... I don't blame you... My daughter is little same thing. Only what I am doing is I have to BE patience with her as ALWAYS. It is working for her.. She is doing well in school and at home too now. Just keep it going everyday with parent's love and encourage.

Spanking helps? Answer is no. It will NOT working. The children needs from parent's encourage and love. It is REALLY helping for children.



Spanking's history now. And I agree with the others..
Well, I still do think it's rude when the students wasn't listening to the teacher, but that depends on what the teacher was talking about.

I do remember I was in horticulture class, the teacher tend to talk talk talk talk talk whole of the class hour, and he was just talking about his past, about him, etc etc, not really about the horticulture..

So I don't know about that..
Yeah, I understand how u feel thru with ur child.. sometimes frustrated and want to giving-up... I don't blame you... My daughter is little same thing. Only what I am doing is I have to BE patience with her as ALWAYS. It is working for her.. She is doing well in school and at home too now. Just keep it going everyday with parent's love and encourage.

Spanking helps? Answer is no. It will NOT working. The children needs from parent's encourage and love. It is REALLY helping for children.



Yes I second that.