Just wanted to let y'all know...


New Member
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
I got a visitor message on my profile from Smithtr (Travis) earlier today, so he is apparently ok (meaning he is alive). He didn't tell me anything about what happened or anything. But, I just thought y'all would like to know.
Oh that is so great. I'm relieved to hear about this.

I was getting a bit worried here wondering what was going on.
Thats better than no news at all. Im glad to know he's at least alive and well enough to log on to check in with you.
woo!! indeed a good news!
he was having a suicidal depression and was contemplating of OD'ing on medication to commit suicide.

my impression of travis' post was that he already overdosed on thorazine. in any case, i'm just glad he's okay. :D
That's great news. I am relieved that he is alive.

I have been thinking about him.
I am SO glad to hear that Travis is OK. Thank goodness. :)