Yes - I was born with "normal" hearing on my left side - totally deaf on the right. Since then my left side has become mild/mod hearing loss (repeated ear infections, scarlet fever, etc etc) which also fluctuates a lot when tired, stressed, ill, emotional, and sometimes for no reason at all. I also have APD (Auditory Processes Disorder).
When I dream, I have 3 different "styles" in which people communicate etc.
1) Speech/Listening etc
Ironically, I still miss oral information in my dreams, just like when I'm awake, so "dream me" still asks for repeats, or doesn't hear something that other people/things I'm surrounded my clearly do.
(Thankfully) I don't "become hearing" in my dreams, but I do "hear" more environmental sounds when I dream than I'm typically able to hear while awake.
2) ASL or another *Signed Language
Often I have dreams in ASL - sometimes everyone in my dreams knows sign, sometimes only a few, sometimes there are interpreters present, sometimes I'm showing someone I meet how to sign a few words etc.
Occasionally, I actaully (physically) sign while I'm sleep - of course the movement usually wakes me fairly quickly.
* Sometimes, I dream in a "Sign Language" other than ASL - I put "Sign Language" in quotes because in reality I only know ASL and a handful of signs in BSL, LSQ & LSF). My Dream Sign Language isn't related to ASL at all... shares maybe a few signs but otherwise is totally unique. Clearly it's a fabrication of my imagination and I only "know it" while dreaming.
I awake knowing I was dreaming in my "Dream Sign", but I'm never able to retrieve any of the 'language details' aside from that the language is "consistent" and that those in my dream also know this "Dream Sign" and use it to communicate.
There are times in which I will have a dream which contains both ASL and my "Dream Sign". Just like a bilingual signer would do while awake, I switch between the two languages, keeping both distinct, not "blending them together".
3) "Knowing"
I'm not really sure what to call this. Sometimes people in my dreams neither sign, or speak - we communicate by "knowing". I don't think of it as mind reading etc, because it's more like the person "speaking" is the one "giving" the information to the person/people they intend to communicate with. I guess it's like people are able to talk without talking, be heard without hearing - on the ASL side, it's like being able to have the receiver be able to see in their "minds eye" images of the signs without the person having to actually form the signs physically. It's very odd (yet feels very naturally when it's happening) and even more difficult to explain - the explanations above are more analogies than actual examples, per say.
Anyway - that's "me" ... I think it's neat, weird, but neat.