July 4th T-storm clouds


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Jun 4, 2004
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I just took some pictures of the towering t-storm clouds. It was taken torwards East at the Cascades mountains which the t-storms are rumbling up there. The clouds sure sprout up fast when they're 'immature' Normally, you can see the cascades mountains on a clear day.

A 'immature' storm cloud

Almost mature storm

Other mature t-storm clouds that's mature but soon weakening

This is the current doppler radar image of the t-storm clouds
Holy shit, it's storming here as well! It is getting pretty bad...here is a pic!


And I actually saw a lightning strike the ground from the clouds as well but didn't
take a picture in time.
It's finally raining here! A lone t-storm cloud came in our way. It's getting really cloudy and a bit dark.
It still hasn't rained here yet, but still storming...along with a sunset in the distance making the sky look very yellow.
LuciaDisturbed said:
It still hasn't rained here yet, but still storming...along with a sunset in the distance making the sky look very yellow.
its freaking LIGHTING here bad...... We didn't get a chance to watch the fireworks at the high school!!!!! URGGH!!!!!! But maybe tomorrow...... Anyways talk to you later
Now it's REALLY storming....and raining hard, really pouring! Lots of lightning too as well! There are flash flood warning in my county (Bexar) and several other counties around us as well.

And I noticed the temperature dropped from 95 degrees to 72 degrees in the last couple of hours (farneheit).
WOW lucia

i remmy few weeks ago i had thunderstorms almost everyday grr
no rain today and no humid finally. But yesterday was had thunderstorm all day and very humid. Glad get chance to see firework tonite
LuciaDisturbed said:
Now it's REALLY storming....and raining hard, really pouring! Lots of lightning too as well! There are flash flood warning in my county (Bexar) and several other counties around us as well.

And I noticed the temperature dropped from 95 degrees to 72 degrees in the last couple of hours (farneheit).
It went on for hours and hours last night... The storm never ended, and the lighting was horriable! We stayed in the house watch movies and this morning its clear but its going to storm again ARGGH.... Went to the pool for a little while and getting ready to go back before it rains....Its about 90 degrees here today!
i like to mention that the last pic of mushroom clouds.. that is bad thunderstorm.. not weakening.... if it is weakening.. it would have disspaste?

compare to here in Arkansas.. can be seen for MILES.. its called Supercell thunderstorm here .. i did took a pic not long ago.. beautiful thunderstorm in distance!

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b268/Smile4ginger/Misc 4 June 2006/thunderstormindistance.gif

i will take more pics of beautiful clouds here.. i love to look at clouds .. its a natural phenomena.. :)
thanks for sharing with me. :) yes wyoming does have very rare not much as arkansas as we know.

my daughter and i witnessed powerful lightning last week. she said to me like wow. she loves naturals.

I never heard of supercell thunderstorm.
starrygaze said:
thanks for sharing with me. :) yes wyoming does have very rare not much as arkansas as we know.

my daughter and i witnessed powerful lightning last week. she said to me like wow. she loves naturals.

I never heard of supercell thunderstorm.

It is severe thunderstorm with tornado. Only two types of thunderstorms are ordinary and supercell. Below I found a link you can check it out, ok?


A supercell is a severe thunderstorm with a deep rotating updraft (a mesocyclone) [1]. Supercell thunderstorms are the largest, most severe class of single-cell thunderstorms. It has been argued that there are really only two types of thunderstorms: supercell and ordinary, though some have four classifications: single-cell, multi-cell, squall line, and supercell.

Supercells are usually found isolated from other thunderstorms, although they can sometimes be embedded in a squall line. Because they can last for hours, they are known as quasi-steady-state storms. Supercells have the capability to deviate from the mean wind. If they track to the right (left) of the mean wind, they are said to be right-movers (left-movers). The majority of long-lived supercells are right-movers within the United States.

Supercells can be any size, large or small, low or high topped. They usually produce copious amounts of hail, torrential rainfall, strong winds, and substantial downbursts. Supercells also produce tornadoes within the mesocyclone, although only 30% or less do so. [2]

Supercells can occur in many parts of the contiguous United States, however, they are most frequent in the Great Plains and desert states. They can also occur anywhere in the world under the right pre-existing weather conditions. The first storm to be identified as such was the Wokingham storm over England, which was studied by Keith Browning and Frank Ludlam in 1962. [3]

Large supercells are often associated with or comprise a Mesoscale Convective System/Complex.

Contents [hide]
1 Anatomy of a supercell
1.1 Features of a supercell
1.2 Radar features of a supercell
2 Supercell variations
3 Severe weather
4 References
5 External links

Anatomy of a supercell
The current conceptual model of a supercell was described in Severe Thunderstorm Evolution and Mesocyclone Structure as Related to Tornadogenesis by Leslie R. Lemon and Charles A. Doswell III. (See Lemon technique).

Supercells derive their rotation through tilting of horizontal vorticity (an invisible horizontal vortex) caused by wind shear. Strong updrafts lift the air turning about a horizontal axis and cause this air to turn about a vertical axis. This forms the deep rotating updraft, the mesocyclone.

A cap or capping inversion is usually required to form a downdraft of sufficient strength. The cap puts an inverted (warm-above-cold) layer above a normal (cold-above-warm) boundary layer, and by preventing warm surface air from sinking too far, allows one or both of the following:

Air below the cap warms and/or becomes more moist
Air above the cap cools
This creates a warmer, moister layer below a cooler layer, which is increasingly unstable (because warm air is less dense and tends to rise). When the cap weakens or moves, explosive development follows.

In North America, supercells usually show up on Doppler radar as starting at a point or hook shape on the southwestern side, fanning out to the northeast. The heaviest precipitation is usually on the southwest side, ending abruptly short of the rain-free updraft base or main updraft (not visible to radar). The RFD, or rear flank downdraft carries precipitation counterclockwise around the north and northwest side of the updraft base, producing a "hook echo" that indicates the presence of a mesocyclone.

Features of a supercell

Features of a supercell. Note: This is a typical northwestward view in North America
Diagram of supercell from above. RFD: rear flank downdraft, FFD: front flank downdraft, V: V-notch, U: Main Updraft, I: Updraft/Downdraft Interface, H: hook echoOvershooting top
This "dome" feature appears above the anvil of the storm. It is a result of the powerful updraft.

Precipitation-free base
This area, typically on the southern side of the storm in North America, is relatively precipitation free. This is located beneath the main updraft, and is the main area of inflow. While no precipitation may be visible to an observer, large hail and rain may be falling from this area. It is more accurately called the main updraft area.

Wall cloud
The wall cloud forms near the downdraft/updraft interface. This "interface" is the area between the precipitation area and the precipitation-free base. Wall clouds form when rain-cooled air from the downdraft is pulled into the updraft. This wet, cold air quickly saturates as it is lifted by the updraft, forming a cloud that seems to "descend" from the precipitation-free base. Wall clouds are common and are not exclusive to supercells: Only a few actually produce a tornado. Wall clouds that persist for more than ten minutes, wall clouds that seem to move violently up or down, and violent movements of cloud fragments (scud or fractus) near the wall cloud are indications that a tornado could form.

Mammatus clouds
Mammatus (Mamma, Mammatocumulus) are bulbous or pillow-like cloud formations extending from beneath the anvil of a thunderstorm. These clouds form as cold air in the anvil region of a storm sinks into warmer air beneath it. Mammatus are most apparent when they are lit from one side or below and are therefore at their most impressive near sunset or shortly after sunrise when the sun is low in the sky. Mammatus are not exclusive to supercells and can be associated with developed thunderstorms and cumulonimbus.

Precipitation area
This is the area of heaviest precipitation. Between the precipitation-free base and the precipitation area, a "vaulted" or "cathedral" feature can be observed. In high precipitation supercells an area of heavy precipitation may occur beneath the main updraft area.

Flanking line
A line of smaller cumulonimbi that form in the warm rising air pulled in by the main updraft.

Radar features of a supercell

Radar reflectivity map.Hook echo or Pendant
The "hook echo" is the area of confluence between the main updraft and the rear flank downdraft (RFD). This indicates the position of the mesocyclone.

Bounded weak echo region (or BWER)
This is a region of low reflectivity bounded above by an area of higher reflectivity. This is evidence of a strong updraft.

Inflow notch
An "notch" of weak reflectivity on the inflow side of the cell. This is not a V-Notch.

V Notch
A "V" shaped notch on the leading edge of the cell, opening away from the main downdraft. This is an indication of divergent flow around a powerful updraft.

See also: Radar

Supercell variations
Supercell thunderstorms are sometimes classified by meteorologists and storm spotters into three categories. However, not all supercells fit neatly into any one category, and many resemble all three at different times during the lifespan of the storm. The standard definition given above is referred to as the Classic supercell. All types of supercells can produce severe weather.

Low Precipitation

LP supercells contain a small precipitation (rain/hail) core separate from the updraft. This type of supercell may be easily identifiable with "sculpted" cloud striations in the updraft base or even a "corkscrewed" or "barber pole" appearance on the updraft, and sometimes an almost "anorexic" look compared to classic supercells. This is because they often form along dry lines, thus leaving them with little available moisture despite high upper level wind shear. They usually dissipate rapidly rather than turning into classic or HP supercells, although it is still not unusual for them to do the latter, especially if they happen to collide with a much moister airmass along the way. Although these storms usually produce weak tornadoes, they have been known to produce strong ones. These storms can produce large hail even with little or no visible precipitation core, making them hazardous to storm chasers and people and animals caught outside. Due to the lack of a heavy precipitation core, LP supercells can sometimes show weak radar reflectivity without clear evidence of a hook echo, when in fact they are producing a tornado at the time. This is where observations by storm spotter and storm chasers may be of vital importance. Funnel clouds, or more rarely, weak tornadoes will sometimes form midway between the base and the top of the storm, descending from the main Cb (cumulonimbus) cloud. Lightning is rare compared to other supercell types, but it is not unknown and is more likely to occur as intracloud lightning rather than cloud-to-ground lightning. In the United States, these storms almost exclusively form from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River in the spring and summer months. They can occur as far north as Montana, North Dakota and even in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan in Canada.

High precipitation supercellHP
High Precipitation

The HP supercell has a much heavier precipitation core that actually can wrap all the way around the mesocyclone. These are especially dangerous storms, since the mesocyclone is wrapped with rain and can hide the tornado from view. These storms also cause flooding due to heavy rain, damaging downbursts and weak tornadoes, although they are also known to produce strong to violent tornadoes. They have a lower potential for damaging hail than Classic and LP supercells, although damaging hail is possible. It has been observed by some spotters that they tend to produce more cloud-to-ground and intracloud lightning than the other types. Also, unlike the LP and Classic types, severe events usually occur at the front (southeast) of the storm. The HP supercell is the most common type of supercell in the United States east of the Mississippi River and in the southern parts of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec in Canada.

Severe weather
Supercells can produce:

Large hail
Damaging winds
Deadly Tornadoes
Deadly Cloud-to-Ground Lightning
Severe events associated with a supercell almost always occur in the area of the updraft/downdraft interface. In North America, this is most often the rear flank (southwest side) of the precipitation area in LP and classic supercells, but sometimes the leading edge (southeast side) of HP supercells.

While tornadoes are perhaps the most dramatic of these severe events, all are dangerous. High winds caused by powerful outflow can reach 130 km/h (80 mph) and downbursts can cause tornado-like damage. Flooding is the leading cause of death associated with severe weather.[4]

Note that none of these severe events are exclusive to supercells, although these events are highly predictable once a supercell has formed.

Some reports also suggest that the 26/7/2005 deluge in Mumbai(Bombay), India was caused by a super cell when there was a cloud formation 15 km. high over the city. On this day 94.4cm.(37.16in.) of rain fell over the city, of which 70cm.(27.56in.) fell in just 4 hours.

Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
SupercellStructure and Dynamics of Supercell Thunderstorms - NWS
University of Illinois World Weather Project
Weather Glossary for Storm Spotters - NWS
Lemon, Leslie R. (1998): On the Mesocyclone "Dry Intrusion" and Tornadogenesis[5]
Lemon, Leslie R., Charles A. Doswell III (1979): "Severe Thunderstorm Evolution and Mesocyclone Structure as Related to Tornadogenesis". Monthly Weather Review Vol. 107, No. 9, pp. 1184-1197.[6]
Browning, K.A. and Ludlam, F.H. (1962): "Airflow In Convective Storms", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 88, 117-135.[7] (PDF)
wow this one is long. you must be good at meteorology. why not you land the job as weather? Possible? From new experience starts and later you will have more experience on level?

Supercell T-storm ok I got it.

I always love watching clouds, thunderstorms, snows and many naturals. Only one mystery I witnessed weird wind form altogether of many verticals moving in one direction on the surface never saw before. It was powerful wind. Next day, I saw newspapaer about 16 wheeler rolled off the road not far from my home! Must be poweful form of gust that pushed it off!
starrygaze said:
wow this one is long. you must be good at meteorology. why not you land the job as weather? Possible? From new experience starts and later you will have more experience on level?

Supercell T-storm ok I got it.

I always love watching clouds, thunderstorms, snows and many naturals. Only one mystery I witnessed weird wind form altogether of many verticals moving in one direction on the surface never saw before. It was powerful wind. Next day, I saw newspapaer about 16 wheeler rolled off the road not far from my home! Must be poweful form of gust that pushed it off!

nah.. i just love natural phenomena thats all.. so interesting.. :D
SmileyGin said:
It is severe thunderstorm with tornado. Only two types of thunderstorms are ordinary and supercell. Below I found a link you can check it out, ok?
Ah, I still have not given up.. Thought I'd ask a g a i n because it seems that more people here are showing interests in storms. Anyone interested in joining the tornado chasing tour with me?? I would like to have all deaf people only with 1 or 2 interpreters. If interested, please let me know and we can work this together to make it finally happen.http://www.alldeaf.com/showpost.php?p=426768&postcount=90
EyesBlueDeaf said:
Ah, I still have not given up.. Thought I'd ask a g a i n because it seems that more people here are showing interests in storms. Anyone interested in joining the tornado chasing tour with me?? I would like to have all deaf people only with 1 or 2 interpreters. If interested, please let me know and we can work this together to make it finally happen.http://www.alldeaf.com/showpost.php?p=426768&postcount=90

that sound awesome to go on the tour.. but i have seen over 20 times since i was 9 yrs old.. i live in tornado alley.. so perfect to see it right in the backyard! :D most recently was 3 weeks ago.. saw a tornado coming down while i was driving.. TJ freaked out.. LOL.. i didnt have camera.. i WISH i took that! damn! haha..
SmileyGin said:
that sound awesome to go on the tour.. but i have seen over 20 times since i was 9 yrs old.. i live in tornado alley.. so perfect to see it right in the backyard! :D most recently was 3 weeks ago.. saw a tornado coming down while i was driving.. TJ freaked out.. LOL.. i didnt have camera.. i WISH i took that! damn! haha..
kewl! perhaps you can be our tourist guide :) I just sent TRADD for more info. :)