Journalist Who Wants To Ask Deaf People About Their Dreams


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May 11, 2016
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Hi guys,

I'm a writer for Van Winkle's, an online magazine devoted to sleep. We're interested in writing a story about how deaf people dream. Knowing that there's a wide variety of deaf experiences, I am hoping to get several points of view for the story. I have a brief list of questions I could send over. It'll be painless and quick--maybe even fun. If you're interested, email me at Thanks!
LOL...feel the deafies dream the same way the hearies do...except it's in ASL and not for LD (late deafened)...could go both ways (as mine does)....I dream in vivid colors too....
Damn the secret is out that deaf and hoh people are really space aliens and we invaded earth to steal people hearing while they sleep !
I wonder how some hearing people think without a brain !
Damn the secret is out that deaf and hoh people are really space aliens and we invaded earth to steal people hearing while they sleep !
I wonder how some hearing people think without a brain !
As RR stated in her post, Deaf who know ASL will not dream the same as hearies. They most likely communicate in their dreams with their hands & eyes, not their voices and ears. :rolleyes:
Telepathy. That's dream communication for me.
That too. That's probably how I do it too. Though I do remember when I was taking ASL classes that I had a dream or two where I was signing. I recall posting about it here on AD.
I dream about wearing nothing but my tighty whiteys...*looks down* wait... its not a dream!
i did know a blind girl who dreamt in images..
so maybe the reporter can change the article to the blind and bugger of to the blind forums...

i had a deream once in dorm, Deafie school i was on a tty...and trhe txt, that lime green type thing came across....
"she kill you"

woke up....

anyway through the years, and exs i ve often rememebred that one..

so far..
so good
I have lots of dreams, many weird ones, but oddly enough, they don't involve communication whether signing or speaking.
:zzz: I dreamed I was in some strange room, sort of like an ancient/UFO alien important tribal large cave
(sort of like a spaceship rooms, only done in a rough stone (like travertine walls) in primitive cave colors)
(something to that tune)
when all of a sudden I felt a severe draft and realized that a powerful cold fan got turned on, sucking me in
with all its force :eek: :hyper:
This fan was across the room high up above from me. slowly I was lifted, then faster and faster and faster the air continued
sucking helpless, rag doll-like me into the huge fan.
with a mighty jerk I finally ---zoooooom!, got stuck into the wall where the fan was and I woke up realizing
I was shaking for real because my duvet fell off my back and I got so cold! lololol :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

however, since I was in the room all alone, nobody said a word..... sorry for not being any help ...
