I've been here before but let me introduce myself


New Member
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
My signature explains my loss and situation.

I am a northerner who, due to my job loss (probably age discrimination) and certainly hearing tanking, had to move to a less expensive area. We chose Asheville.

My career was in Fortune xxx companies working my way through the computer field with a major in college of elementary educ. primarily and communication studies (something like that). Elem. Ed. came in very handy working with co-workers :) .

I use my Excel skills (whatever that means) to maintain a position of treasurer for our owners association. I am exempt from attending board meetings, thank goodness. Can't hear or understand makes me useless but they need someone to do the books, so it's a fine trade off.

Circa 2006, I met up with a friend of mine from my first year in college (that was 1972). Molly was a ballerina with a hearing loss and a temper. She was short, I'm lean and tall and she scared me :) . I had worn HAs for quite a while but Molly never knew anyone her age who wore them. She apparently went home that summer and purchased HAs. Our audiograms were almost identical. We even traded HAs and they worked for both of us. The weird thing was Molly sounded deaf. I do not and honestly wish I did now . Since I don't look (my choice of words) impaired or deaf, it's tough to have people understand I am. I have support in our community - primarily by wives - to get their husbands to speak to me and enunciate.

I thought the CI (the phrase "hear" with a CI isn't used but "process sounds" and that is what it is) would allow me to be more vocal (that may be a bad thing for some people I know) but instead, I've moved closer to my computer. My comprehension tends to be a bit more delayed and the world is rather confusing with all the distractions. I will get over it, it's a matter of time.

So, here I am. I'm enjoying reading your poetry, your responses (they make me feel a little less nuts :) ), and your incite.

I am thankful to be here.
So, here I am. I'm enjoying reading your poetry, your responses (they make me feel a little less nuts :) ), and your incite.

I am thankful to be here.

Thinking the bolded only applies to me, usually... ;)

But some of the other members may be insightful.

Welcome to AD>
Thinking the bolded only applies to me, usually... ;)

But some of the other members may be insightful.

Welcome to AD>
Yes, we have both insightful and inciting members at AD. ;)
Welcome, have some tea and warm our bones beside the fire
Cute hoichi but you're in Niagra and I'm in Asheville. I think it's 69 outside I should be wearing shorts. I'll save the hot toddy for another day.
I so dislike it when I misspell words. What a goof. Keep following up on me and correcting me. Hey, where in SC are you? I know where Columbia is but there's mapquest for everything else. I'm not asking for your home address :) .
Glad to see you here.

As far as misspelled words............someone much wiser than I on this forum shared her wisdom in that if you do not use it, you in a sense, lose it. I am still transitioning, but I find her words to be true. I have been away from the board for awhile (not my choice) I proof read everything I post and I still butcher half of my postings.

Many have insight, some feel they incite......I have found that many times these coincide. Play in the street long enough eventually you'll get hit by a bus :)
Tube: Part of my self negative introspection is (I was going to start with IBM years as a writer but will go further back to college) ... Hmmm... junior in college. My roommate was a dyslexic art major and she was good. I sort of understood what dyslexic meant back then and I made the mistake of doing as Carrie asked - proofread a paper. I made it worse because I used a red pen. She ended up crying. I just did what she asked me to do.

Throughout my career, I always did tech writing of some sort in every job. For 1/2 of my career, there wasn't a spellchecker. I remember in 1988 (sorry, I feel like "Ma" on the Golden Girls, "Picture this Kingston, NY 1988...") but I was watching a "replay file" speed by. It was one of three files we had that showed what GIS back then could do. My manager was sitting behind me and I raised my voice and said I have to stop the file, I saw a typo fly by. A few screens earlier, there was indeed, a typo. Bill was impressed. So, I get I'm not as young as I used to be but being raised as I was and doing all that writing should mean I don't screw up as much as I do. But, c'est la vie. I'd like to not lose it (and you are right those are two words that sound the same, spelled differently, and have different meanings but but ...).
Nice to met you too, as well. We love the mountains here. If we can just ignore the coal plant not far from here, we're usually okay :) . In NY, we lived 15 miles from Indian Point (nuclear power plant). I think we all very lucky.
Your poem, while not meeting the requirements of a haiku, is very haiku-like. It's very soothing. Keep 'em coming to spread the nice feelings. I think your Husky's head is about the size of my corgi : ). A husky in our environment would be handling us and corgis are enough to try to outsmart. Marcus, our third, and likely last corgi is the first dog I've ever had where I literally read his lips at night when he needs to go outside. He sounds hysterical with my CI on and I let him go on a little longer than need be (I don't torture animals) because he sounds so funny.
SBirn, can you please use the Quote feature on your reply posts? It's hard to figure out to whom you're replying in your posts.
Reba - I understand and will do

SBirn, can you please use the Quote feature on your reply posts? It's hard to figure out to whom you're replying in your posts.
Yes, in this forum, I will. Thanks for pointing it out. I try to reference my response but that's not working :) . In my old life quoting became tedious but it was a lot more obvious as to whom we were referring. This forum is also very linear, so it's really confusing when we don't use quotes. Keep 'em coming and I will do as requested.

-- Sheri :)
Yes, in this forum, I will. Thanks for pointing it out. I try to reference my response but that's not working :) . In my old life quoting became tedious but it was a lot more obvious as to whom we were referring. This forum is also very linear, so it's really confusing when we don't use quotes. Keep 'em coming and I will do as requested.

-- Sheri :)
Thank you. :)
That is very interesting that you traded HAs with friend back then. I don't know if that would work today. Fun thing to hear about!!!
Trading HAs -Easy schmeazy analog or digital but BTE only

That is very interesting that you traded HAs with friend back then. I don't know if that would work today. Fun thing to hear about!!!
All ya got to do is move the connector to the earmold off the HA and swap em. You can. It was a mind-blowing experience for me. It really showed me that if my dad wasn't as smart as he was, my life would have been very different - just different.