Its OK to kill people since we live in the Matrix!


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Mar 3, 2003
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WASHINGTON -- Accused killers around the country are reportedly claiming that they thought they were living inside "The Matrix."

"The newspaper reports that the lawyer for Josh Cooke of Oakton, Va., claims that he killed his parents and then calmly called police because he was obsessed with the idea that all of life is a computer-generated fantasy"

Lmao what a dumbest story I have ever heard lol... he must be Pychso!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone knows those movies are entertained which means everything is fake...

by the way, WTF?? he is not Guilty for killing his parents and ect?

why the fuck is judge thinking??? Do they have proof that we're in the Matrix?
Originally posted by DefMATRIXense
Lmao what a dumbest story I have ever heard lol... he must be Pychso!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone knows those movies are entertained which means everything is fake...

by the way, WTF?? he is not Guilty for killing his parents and ect?

why the fuck is judge thinking??? Do they have proof that we're in the Matrix?
the judge proably was high lol
I used lived in Great Falls, Va near Oakton.
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Jeez... these people have no life! The government would have to be insane to accept that accuse!
Damn the movie is really got in his mind. Its entertainment ppl. Dont take it seriously.....well depends if its a true story then ya.
This is nothing but EL LOCO! the judicary system is SO fucked and they used that insantiy plea for that movie reason they KILLED these innocent poeple for no reason therefore THEY should serve time and get with the reality! SMH
Originally posted by DefMATRIXense
WASHINGTON -- Accused killers around the country are reportedly claiming that they thought they were living inside "The Matrix."

"The newspaper reports that the lawyer for Josh Cooke of Oakton, Va., claims that he killed his parents and then calmly called police because he was obsessed with the idea that all of life is a computer-generated fantasy"

Yes i believe that kill them and their soul of dream load and live mind of people in matrix.. that is possbile :ugh:
matrix is half realistc and unrealistic.. I believe in matrix as half because it is sometime no sense to me .. it is not like moneky 12. monkey 12 is more real realistic on true base.