It's a deaf thing

David Lind

New Member
Jul 26, 2017
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We would like to inform you about our inaugural “It’s A Deaf Thing” Event on Saturday, September 30th 2017 in Lakeland, Florida.

I would like to give you an idea of what is being planned and who we are. We will have rental booths, an art competition, craft competition, talent show/competition, entertainment, children activities and more. Our plan for the day is to have the main event (booths, art competition, craft competition and entertainment stage) from 10-4. The Deaf Talent show/competition will be that evening from 6-9PM that evening.

It’s A Deaf thing is being put on by ProjectDEAF a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Florida organized by members of the Deaf Community whose aim is to benefit the local Deaf community.
I understand. Maybe we can add one closer to you soon. How close so you can come?
This event was on my Facebook, I live in oregon though so I will not be going :(
I am in Michigan, actually mid- Michigan not close to Detroit, so I will not be attending either. I want to know what deaf organizations there are near me. I live in Davison Michigan which is between Flint and Clio.