Issues Captions.. *Found solved answer*

When I saw a post in DN by Sab
You can petition on your own directly to the US Representatives

so I went there and I was saddened by the fact that over 2 thousands were suckered by this useless petition because the description and the goal of petition was not very clear.

the petition summary is like this:
To:* US Representatives

Please reverse the decision made by the Department of Education that over 200 TV shows such as Law & Order and The Simpsons are inappropriate for Deaf/Hard of Hearing people. Making a TV show inaccessible is to create an obstacle to 28 million Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.

Thank you for your consideration and support


The Undersigned

so I emailed to the person who started the petition, his name is found at bottom as "John Pirone"

My email to him is like this:

Your Petition is not very clear.. you suckered 2 thousands into signing it without clear description and why... those show such as Law and Order and The Simpson ARE STILL CAPTIONED which I watched them few days ago.. so why should I sign the petition when they are still captioned!

I suggest you to read them...

<a href=""target=new>Axxlog » Grants for captioning? How quaint</a>:
"Grants for captioning? How quaint

<a href="http://www.**********"target=new>Closed Captioning Censorship</a>:
"Closed Captioning Censorship, NAD website presents this concern"

You will realized that NAD started the panic for nothing!!! All NAD is trying to do is to keep making Deaf Community in the same image as it has been for hundred years! Which is "Demanding a free handout"!!! NAD wants Dept of Edu to fund them.. while many network company and studios/producers can foot those cost of captioning! Dept of Edu does not cover 100% cost of captioning FOR EACH SHOWS!! Dept of Edu would only fund like 10% for each shows and that 10% goes to all kinds of charges not just captioning! Please think and research on how CC is done and paid! you will realize that!

It is same concept as Students getting grants from NTID to help pay the college bill. Students still have to pay the rest of it. same thing! but Funds from Dept. of Edu. comes from taxpayers which is YOU and ME! not from Network stations! I believe that Funds from Dept of Edu. for Captioning should be LIMITED to "Educational, News and informational" shows so therefore show such as The Simpson or NASCAR does not fall in that category so we should stop complaining to Dept. of Edu. and start focusing on making sure those shows are captioned by requesting the stations or producers to have them captioned as required by FCC Laws!

now to close this email, I just want to let you know that "I REFUSE TO JOIN THE PANIC WHICH WAS CREATED BY NAD!"

Thank you,

and got his reply:

I suggest you to visit this link at NCD is
the most powerful group and they wouldn't do something if NAD presents
false information.

You will see the core problem the Dept. of Education has generated
after the decision. It is not about no closed captioning forever, but
about how the Dept of Education disregarded the democratic process by
not sharing their rationale nor including us in any process that would
alter the outcome. In addition, there is a PLENTY of tv shows that are
not captioned and that's what the captioning agencies are for. So,
after the decision, the agencies have to inform us, the consumers, that
we cannot suggest any of those 200 shows that we want it to be
captioned by using the funding. Even though FCC would require them to
comply with the regulations, there are still shows (both new and old)
that are not captioned and the agencies would be able to close the

I suggest you to visit the NAD website if you wish to learn more about
the closed captioning censorship.



Then I replied;

I have seen both NAD and NCD and obviously you haven't read one of the link I provided...

But still your petition is not very clear... it cause more panic...

You need to revamp your description of your petition!

You have mislead many signers because they think Bush is to blame and also thinks US Rep. is to blame.

I still refuse to panic. And I am ceasing the correspondence with you.

Have a Nice Week!

Famous quote: "Don't Worry! Be Happy" from MAD magazine!

check out his petition and read all those comment, you will be surprised that they all are misunderstood!

Bullymom, thanks for showing those url. in the first link, there is a reference to Dept of Edu's request for comment which started all the panic and mess since 1996!
this is what I am talking about:
It appears that this rumor started with a notice sent out by the U.S. Department of Education (DoE) asking for clarification of the term "educational programming." The notice was sent out partially because of a letter from Senators Joe Lieberman and Dan Coats, addressed to Richard Riley, the Secretary of the DoE, in 1998, requesting that funding be cut for captioning of the Jerry Springer show, which the letter refered to as "the closest thing to pornography on broadcast television."
the url to the "notice" is at:

in case you want to see the real notice issued by Dept of Edu. then:
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Yeah, Boult.. Really seems All Everyones who felt wasted their time and started heating to discuss further topic about close captions and also emails fwd. Pretty crappy sound like simlair SPAM..
whoever who did first create this and trying to making twisting the stories againist anyone who responbile for that.

Btw, I'm gladly that this site was speaking of straightenforward honestly situation details under the url. That wonderful for everyones feel better and really not necessary panic overwhelemd (sp).

Thanks for your feedback Boult.. :thumb:
This is exactly why people should stop believing the words of others unless it's announced to the public. If you haven't seen it in the newspaper, magazines, or news... then don't jump to conclusions just because your friend told you. I've never seen any of this anywhere on the news or anywhere else... except through bullshit petitions or emails. I don't know why NAD said it, but I never really believed them since I never saw anything elsewhere. Captioning is a very big issue and something that the government will definitely not want to drop. It's one big thing that keeps us all going.