Islamic State kills Ethiopian Christians

I don't dare to watch the video . :(

I think its a good thing they are videoing what they re doing.....
Words cant really capture the look on an proud 11 year olds face as he holds up some dudes chopped off still bleeding jaw moving head...
Or the.movement of the pilof being burned alive
What id dont get is this...
Look at this stuff. Men. Grown men, these ehtopians...they are not even fighting back they are standing there, not even resisting...
I cant fathom just allowing some dude to chop me up with some dull knife...kill me sure...but i wont going down fighting....and i hold no illlusions. But i wont be some willing sacrafice to allah...
Same with the american reporter....he just let them do it...
He wasnt even fully in chains or nothng...once u know your goin to die.....why even stop?
Go for it...u have nothing to lose. Instead look a line of, just standing at the sea waiting to be executed...
There is a lesson here for us...i figure its only a matter of time before catholics and other christians start tesching these saveges a lesson..which sad to say will most likely be
We can burn you at the stake tooo
Interesting times...