ISIS sign language propaganda

Equal opportunity terrorism.
Oh well, I can see why. ISIS needs people desperately to join no matter who they are as long as they are Muslim or convert to Muslim.
I will be executed by pushing off the building due to my sexual orientation.
I know it's the same story told by hearing terrorists. "Allah says kill them." Seriously? It must be a bad Allah. :lol:

not Allah. it's a bad messenger.
Ha! This two were trying to get advertise about police traffic. But they were no way near being a police traffic officers at all. Here in USA, we were not allowed to combat in military or joined the police force.

Yes, it is a propaganda just like the Nazi. This is a dangerous environment using the rifles to expose us to this attitudes. Can we have peace, please? I hate wars and revolutions. **sigh**
not Allah. it's a bad messenger.
I know, I was joking. Of course, God or Allah don't tell people to kill. Like Bebonang said, it's a propaganda. Islam extremists twist the story from whatever book they worship.
If they even try, I would shoot them in the face.
How would you do that here while Foxrac is pushed off the building in Middle East?

Therefore, Foxrac goes there, you have to be there to protect him as his bodyguard. BTW, I am sure he'd appreciate it very much.
More silly have been join ISIS to meet their death in matter of minutes.
something not right I don't think they all were deaf, if they are deaf they be expected be suicide bombers at some point before the others