Is there a sign for:


Emotional Mess
Premium Member
Mar 24, 2008
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I have a deaf movie night tonight and to get a drink, you have to go to the little bar in the clubhouse and order. I drink Sprite and the bartender asked me to get the sign for it. I could write it out, but I was hoping there was a sign. I have checked all of my online sites, my books and such and can't find it. Is there a sign for the soda, Sprite?
There is no sign for Sprite. I have never seen a sign for Sprite. You fingerspell the word "Sprite".

I have a deaf movie night tonight and to get a drink, you have to go to the little bar in the clubhouse and order. I drink Sprite and the bartender asked me to get the sign for it. I could write it out, but I was hoping there was a sign. I have checked all of my online sites, my books and such and can't find it. Is there a sign for the soda, Sprite?

I think if you spell "7Up", that would be fine in that scenario as it is so very short and fast.
Can't do 7up since they also have that drink. I will just fingerspell it. Thanks!!