Is my new mould too big?


New Member
Sep 26, 2012
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Hey guys, first post here! Today i received a new mould as the old one caused the aid to whistle too much. The old one is about 6 months old & i got it from the same NHS trust as the new one.

On first look, the part that goes in to the ear canal is about twice as long than the old one. This feels quite uncomfortable! I remember the technician didn't put in the sponge to cover my ear drum when putting the stuff in to make the mould.

Am i missing something? Is this a new type of mould that should be better for me? It also seems odd as now i have one old style mould in one ear (that didn't need replacing) and one new style in the other - and i always figured it's best to have the same in both.

Here's a photo, hope this works, old on left, new on right.


Do you think the new mould size is right? Thanks for anyone who offers advise :)
If it's uncomfortable, get them to make a new one with a shorter piece that goes in the canal. I had to do that with my last mould as they made it too long.
If you just got it, then the audi may be able to call the maker and ask them to remake it with a shorter "canal".
Hey guys, first post here! Today i received a new mould as the old one caused the aid to whistle too much. The old one is about 6 months old & i got it from the same NHS trust as the new one.

On first look, the part that goes in to the ear canal is about twice as long than the old one. This feels quite uncomfortable! I remember the technician didn't put in the sponge to cover my ear drum when putting the stuff in to make the mould.

Am i missing something? Is this a new type of mould that should be better for me? It also seems odd as now i have one old style mould in one ear (that didn't need replacing) and one new style in the other - and i always figured it's best to have the same in both.

Here's a photo, hope this works, old on left, new on right.


Do you think the new mould size is right? Thanks for anyone who offers advise :)

The new mold looked too long for part that goes into your ear canal , and it does looks rather wide too. You can get it filed down but like someone else said I would have a new one made and wear the old mold while waiting for a another one to be made. I do not know what is going with
hearing audiologists today, I when to mine a couple of weeks ago saying I needed a new tube as mine was getting too hard. My audiologist said it was fine and did not replace the tube. I had to back yesterday as the tube broke off in my ear mold and there was no way I could get the broken piece of tube. There was a difference audiologist a the office and she said the tube was hard . Some audiologists act like they're paying for the tube as they made such a big fuss out fixing the tube.
Thank you guys! It's not just me then! I'll pop in tomorrow afternoon. They told me just on phone now that they only take impressions on wed & thu afternoons (talk about backwards... this trust in Wales is rubbish compared to my old one in England!)
I know the worse the loss, the longer it needs to be but if it uncomfortable then do get it changed. The NHS trust will properly not re make but cut it off.
Doesn't it look like half shell? If feedback too much of a problem, it should be a full shell mold.
Doesn't it look like half shell? If feedback too much of a problem, it should be a full shell mold.

Yeah it does looks that way. I had molds made like that as I have TMJ and it was too painful to wear a mold in my right ear.
The mold is made longer to seal in the inner canal to stop the whistling, but yours looks too long, it can be cut back to fit more comfortable. Mine whistle as well and are short, they also seem to feel loose, like they need to be bigger diameter.
Did you inform your audiologist about it?

They can sometimes fix it up a bit (or trim/file it down).

New ear molds are usually uncomfortable at first due to being big and fresh.

Ear molds usually shrink as they get older. That's why the feedback.
well, i visited today and they're doing a new mould :) This time they used the sponge!
Bottom line: Do not wear an uncomfortable mold. Have the impression retaken with your mouth open. I've found it makes a better fit and stops the feedback.
Bottom line: Do not wear an uncomfortable mold. Have the impression retaken with your mouth open. I've found it makes a better fit and stops the feedback.
Really? I thought having your mouth open makes it worse?

I've always been told not to talk or move my mouth while the mold is hardening.
Really? I thought having your mouth open makes it worse?

I've always been told not to talk or move my mouth while the mold is hardening.

I was told the same thing - however I find that if I grit my teeth while waiting - feedback. If I have a middle ear infection and need to wiggle my ears to stop the uncomfortable vacuum feeling - feedback. if I open my mouth the whole curing time- feedback.

What really works for me is relax, let my lower jaw drop naturally but mouth closed and dont wiggle ears no matter how uncomfortable it is. Your mileage may vary so take this advice with a grain of salt.
The new mold looked too long for part that goes into your ear canal , and it does looks rather wide too. You can get it filed down but like someone else said I would have a new one made and wear the old mold while waiting for a another one to be made. I do not know what is going with
hearing audiologists today, I when to mine a couple of weeks ago saying I needed a new tube as mine was getting too hard. My audiologist said it was fine and did not replace the tube. I had to back yesterday as the tube broke off in my ear mold and there was no way I could get the broken piece of tube. There was a difference audiologist a the office and she said the tube was hard . Some audiologists act like they're paying for the tube as they made such a big fuss out fixing the tube.

Sound like your audie is lazy. Actually, they should listen to you and relace when you request for one. Its easy for them to replace tube. All they need to pull out old tube and then put glue slather on new tube then snake it in and cut the extra tube coming out of canal side. It would take them 10 min or less to do that. If I were you, I would just switch to different Audie if the current refuse to cooperate with you.
