Is Life Tougher for Biracial Kids?


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Apr 22, 2007
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Atlanta – Louisiana justice of the peace Keith Bardwell's refused to marry a white woman and a black man reportedly because he believed that children of an interracial marriage would suffer socially.

That view was once common in the United States, and might have had some basis decades ago when such marriages were taboo and multiracial families were sometimes ostracized. But today, not only are mixed-race children widely accepted but some research suggests they might even have some social advantages.

Researchers are finding that multiracial kids can sometimes be better socially adjusted than single-race offspring. And with the high-profile success of multiracial progeny such as Tiger Woods, Halle Berry, and President Obama (who at his first press conference as president described himself as a "mutt"), stereotypes about the split world of the "tragic mulatto" have long fallen by the wayside.

The American Civil Liberties Union is now threatening a lawsuit if Mr. Bardwell, veteran justice of the peace at Tangipahoa Parish, doesn't step down. The group calls Bardwell's refusal to issue a marriage licence to Beth Humphrey (who is white) and Terence McKay (who is black) both "tragic and illegal."

"I'm not a racist," Bardwell told a local newspaper. "I do ceremonies for black couples right here in my house. My main concern is for thechildren."

The 'tragic mulatto'
Refusing to issue marriage licenses for reasons of race has been illegal in the US since the Supreme Court in 1967 struck down anti-miscegenation laws in 16 states, mostly in the South.

Research on mixed-race children once focused on the social and psychological problems that can arise from not feeling like a full member of any racial group. That notion permeated early 20th century American literature through the figure of the "tragic mulatto," who did not fit in with either the black or white world.

As recently as 1968, the psychologist J.D. Teicher wrote, "Although the burden of the Negro child is recognized as a heavy one, that of the Negro-White child is seen to be even heavier."

The idea that mixed-race children were biologically inferior to white or black kids was also widespread in the South, and often formed the basis of anti-miscegenation laws during Jim Crow years. (Researchers have found that not only is that not true, but that mixed-race offspring tend to be overall more physically attractive than their peers.)

Changing views
But loosening of marriage laws and more-accepting social mores have transformed perceptions of multiracial families. For one thing, there are now 7 million mixed-race kids in the US, up from 500,000 in the 1970s.

A 2008 study of 182 mixed-race high school kids in California found that these kids didn't focus on exclusionary features like skin color or hair texture when thinking about themselves, but instead, they appeared to feel that their heritage made them "unique."

The kids are able to "place one foot in the majority and one in the minority group, and in this way might be buffered against the negative consequences of feeling tokenized," the study authors wrote in the Journal of Social Issues. The students surveyed included those with mixed Asian, Hispanic heritage.

Other studies suggest that while mixed-race kids may no longer feel the burden of discrimination, they still face unique challenges. A 2008 study led by Harvard researchers found that mixed-race adolescents tend to engage in risky behavior outside of school at higher rates than average and also fare "somewhat worse on measures of psychological wellbeing."

The reality for many mixed-race children probably lies somewhere between liberating and restrictive. On a Yale University blog this year, biracial student Phoebe Hinton wrote: "I am lucky enough to have an excuse flowing in my veins to do whatever … I want: there are some things white people do and … I'll do them. There are some things black people do, and … I'll do them."

"Pretty much the only thing people won't accept me doing," she adds, "is continuing to identify as neither black nor white, but an amalgam of the two."

Whether biracial children in rural Louisiana experience the same confidence in their identity – in a region where race arguably still hangs heavier than other parts of the country – is an open question.

Even if they don't, Bardwell, the justice of the peace, will be hard-pressed to convince anybody – including potentially the US Justice Department – that that's any of his business.

La. interracial marriage: Is life tougher for biracial kids? - Yahoo! News
there are books and studies on this topic, am sorry I don't have titles right off, but I've read some and if I think of or get some titles, I'll put some up. I think whether it is "tougher" or not depends almost as much on class, and maybe even more so on actual skin color - then on "race" and it may be more difficult in certain areas of the country.
As someone who grew up as a biracial kid (African American and Jewish on mother's side, Irish on father's) I would say "no".
I hope not...for my daughter, it hasnt been an issue and I dont think it will be for my son. I guess it depends on their personalities and if they make their race an issue or not. I raise them to be proud of who they are and so far, it is working with my daughter.
but that mixed-race offspring tend to be overall more physically attractive than their peers.)

From all the biracial people I have met, I would have to agree with that statement! I have a friend who is black and is married to a Japanese woman and have 3 kids. Their children are very unique-looking.
I was going to see her at a presentation one time and then it got canceled. What do you think of her work?
I was going to see her at a presentation one time and then it got canceled. What do you think of her work?

Bad luck on the cancellation! I really like her work. I think she comes up with a unique perspective that includes some points that are rarely even thought about, much less discussed openly.
I don't think there's such a thing as a "pure" white person or black given all intermixing that has happened in the centuries since we arrived to America.

That said, I don't know if I have African Americans or Native Americans in my family. I don't think it likely there were many blacks in on my mother's side given the local history of Shenandoah Valley and my family's back ground but it's possible there were Indians. On my dad's side, it's possible.

I've been mistaken for Native American or African American on the internet but if you were to meet me in person you'd never mistake me for anything other than a white.
jillio, yes, I was disappointed! I was so fascinated to read on the website and think it is important to bring the unique perspective out-
It all depends on the family structure and where the bi-racial child is raised. Throw in the cultural norms and what the parents and extended family teach the chlld. I had some bi racial friends and some were happy and some were not happy and many were confused and depressed. The USofA is the " great melting pot "
I think it was tougher for me as a kid..i wasn't black enough for the black kids and not white enough for the white kids (here in canada). When I moved to the states it wasn't really an issue cuz where i lived pretty much everyone was bi-racial so obvs it didn't matter
I'm pretty much as white as they come- pale skin, red hair, blue eyes. My mum has auburn hair, green eyes and freckled skin, and my dad has dark brown (now grey) hair, blue eyes and freckled/tanned skin. So I can't answer from the perspective of being biracial, as I'm not, but I have been teased for the paleness of my skin, and colour of my hair. FWIW, I think the man in the article is a grossly misguided idiot. I think kids tease other kids about pretty much anything, if it's not skin tone/hair colour/glasses etc it's something else- too tall/short/fat/thin- you can't win. I have always been secretly jealous of people who don't have to wear factor 50 and cover up in the summer, and can tan. I knew a girl at uni, her mother was Indian-English and her father was Chinese-English; she looked beautiful. She wore an Indian Sari to graduation which was stunning.
Schools should be an anti-bullying zone. Schools should actively deal with teasing and other issues. Especially during middle school. That would help biracial children and other children singled out for any other reason.
Schools should be an anti-bullying zone. Schools should actively deal with teasing and other issues. Especially during middle school. That would help biracial children and other children singled out for any other reason.

Agreed. There are several great anti-bullying programs and curriculum out there that can be incorporated into the school counseling program. One of my favorite curriculum is Don't Laugh at Me developed by the singing group Peter, Paul, and Mary. It include worksheets, video, and CD of music. It has also been adapted to use with different age groups. I particularly like it because it covers differences such as disabilities.

The Ophelia Project is a great program that focuses on female to female bullying in the schools. That is a topic that is not addressed often enough, and the public generally thinks of bullying in terms of males.
I'm not sure which curriculum our elementary school uses. The schools has been presented with an award from the Anti-defamation League the past couple of years. I don't think that the program continues in middle school, though.

The girl to girl stuff in middle school is brutal. It exists in high school but not as bad.
I'm not sure which curriculum our elementary school uses. The schools has been presented with an award from the Anti-defamation League the past couple of years. I don't think that the program continues in middle school, though.

The girl to girl stuff in middle school is brutal. It exists in high school but not as bad.

There are several good curriculum out there. The important thing is that schools are addressing the issue. That's is great that they received an award for their efforts. I applaud them. I would like to see programs continue into and through the middle school years. As you said, that is a brutal time for a developing teen. The Ophelia Project concentrates on this age group.
Albino is the worse than biracial. Because Albino have pale hair & skin. It's common in African and white people have Albino. They have issue at school because the kids picked on Albino.

I watched on 20/20. That is very sad!

In American are mixed the races. Biracial are beautiful children. I has fair skin not get tan that much. I don't care what is people are show off being dark tan 2 much. They are judge on other fair and pale skins. I'm part of Irish, other European and Cherokee Indian mixed.
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I don't think there's such a thing as a "pure" white person or black given all intermixing that has happened in the centuries since we arrived to America.

That said, I don't know if I have African Americans or Native Americans in my family. I don't think it likely there were many blacks in on my mother's side given the local history of Shenandoah Valley and my family's back ground but it's possible there were Indians. On my dad's side, it's possible.

I've been mistaken for Native American or African American on the internet but if you were to meet me in person you'd never mistake me for anything other than a white.

Same here..I have been mistaken as hispanic or part hispanic althought I have none of that in my lineage. However, I am 1/8th Navajo Indian so that must be the reason why people mistake me for having Hispanic roots.