Obviously it seem to me that some parents keep forgetting that children do have feelings that can be hurt and self-esteem that can be crushed if we criticize by comparing them in a belittling way then how is this going to help your child to improve? For example, a child coming home with a bad grade on their report card while the other child had a good grade on their report card so the parents decide to criticize the child who had bad grade by comparing the one that had good one, instead of helping the child by finding out why the child had bad grades, or give him/her the opportunity to redeem himself/herself by correcting their mistake, if you tell your child what he/she did wrong, then maybe they will feel bad about it and do better next time....Also I have a problem with some parents who comparing their children with their brothers/sisters by saying one child is better than the other, or funnier than the other, or smarter than the other, etc and how is this going to help your child feel or do better? ...
So, my question IS.....is it right for parents to criticize by comparing their child with others?
So, my question IS.....is it right for parents to criticize by comparing their child with others?