Is it appropriate?


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2007
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I am curious. Suppose you wear hearing aids; you babysit hearing kids. For example, You turn off the television and say that's enough, no more TV, but a hearing kid throws a fit, and screams constantly for hours like "Nooo!! I want to watch TV!! Ahh!!". Is it a good idea to tell a hearing kid," All right, I am going to turn off my hearing aids, so I will not listen to your fit. " A hearing kid then stops yelling immediately , and knows it won't work.

It seems like a shortcut way to calm down a kid, but is it appropriate?
Not sure to say if it's appropriate or not.
One thing for sure...any kid [including my own] starts yelling
and my h/aid comes out instantly!!

appropriate? who cares! lol!! believe me - anybody would try ANYTHING just to get the kid to stop screaming. oh god.... that kid's blood-curling scream? it makes me want to go completely deaf :dizzy:
Either HA comes out/off, or a sock goes in. Let them choose.
When I babysit I guess I'm more paranoid about being able to hear the other two kids than to block out the screaming one.

Appropriate? Eh. Depends who you are, how many kids are there, etc. The same effect could simply be achieved by turning your back and refusing to acknowledge the screaming child.
Who's to say it's inappropriate? You have to do what you need to do. You're the one in charge, so draw the boundaries of behavior that you will accept.

My 2¢ is that is it the kid yelling who is inappropriate.
I like what saywhatkid said.....anyhow, it's happened to me before. And after several warnings, and the kid won't stop crying/screaming and "blubbering", then it's off to standing in the cornor he goes! When his parents come to pick the kid up...then let them handle it. kids watch too much TV anyway....I've not much patience with unruly kids, and blame the parents for not putting their foot down on situations such as this.....And if it continued with this kid, I would not watch him anymore.
I tried this with our son, and he just wait til I turn my hearing aids on for some reasons. So I put him in a time out, and just ignore him to show that his truama does not get my attention, instead of giving him the attention by telling I will turn my hearing aids off.
I think, as long as you turn your hearing aids back on as soon as the incident blows over for safety reasons because, after all, you have a heavy-duty responsibility to the children and their parents.
The reason I asked this is because I was having an argument with this woman. I did it to some of my nieces when I babysat them. It worked very well. I was telling a story about it. A hearing woman listened, and told me that she did not agree with what I did, and even said "That was very mean thing to do. You should not do that!!" I was thinking,"What the heck?" I have hearing friends who would do anything to borrow my ears, so they would not listen to children's fits, but this odd woman.. :dunno2:
I do it all the time to my children. Whatever works to get them disciplined. Better than corporal punishment.
The reason I asked this is because I was having an argument with this woman. I did it to some of my nieces when I babysat them. It worked very well. I was telling a story about it. A hearing woman listened, and told me that she did not agree with what I did, and even said "That was very mean thing to do. You should not do that!!" I was thinking,"What the heck?" I have hearing friends who would do anything to borrow my ears, so they would not listen to children's fits, but this odd woman.. :dunno2:

Lots of hearing people feel threatened when Deaf/HOH people actually have a one up on them in a certain situation. Exhibit A.
She thinks that I shouldn't have to turn off my hearing aids and listen to any kid's fits no matter what. She also said that turning off the hearing aids is like cheating. I am going to keep continuing this whether she likes it or not. :-P
She thinks that I shouldn't have to turn off my hearing aids and listen to any kid's fits no matter what. She also said that turning off the hearing aids is like cheating. I am going to keep continuing this whether she likes it or not. :-P

Tell her that hearing people are cheating when they get the better jobs because of the phone issue. Good for you to keep on doing it. She probably feels threatened or is the kind who likes to impose ridiculous opinions on others.
Anytime I'm in a store or on an airplane or wherever, and there's a crying baby or temper tantrum-throwing toddler, I turn off my aids. Ah, silence is golden!

I would say its more than appropriate to take out your aids for a little brat.
Anytime I'm in a store or on an airplane or wherever, and there's a crying baby or temper tantrum-throwing toddler, I turn off my aids. Ah, silence is golden!

I would say its more than appropriate to take out your aids for a little brat.

lol it should be off anyway cuz the droning noise will drain your battery
I do that sometimes only if I give them a warning. Sometimes, I don't wear HA at home and let kids know.