Is it allright to Date Deaf or Hard of Hearing if I am deaf but what about Hearing?


New Member
Jun 16, 2008
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Hey I am 16 and deaf but I just want some advice about deaf dating deaf or hard of hearing or hearing peoples. I have heard some people saying that deaf cannot date hard of hearing because it will cause a problem.

Problems like that are created by PEOPLE, not whether you are deaf or HoH.

Some people like to blame everything else but themselves when something goes wrong.

Problems like that are created by PEOPLE, not whether you are deaf or HoH.

Some people like to blame everything else but themselves when something goes wrong.


I'm a hearing person who recently started dating a Deaf person. I can't say that I haven't worried about some aspects of the relationship. But sometimes unfamimliarity can also make an issue seem bigger than it really is. For example, I'm a musician, and obviously that's not something we can't share in a deep way. I could get really worried about it. But I've dated hearing people who had almost no interest in the music I play; and I didn't worry; we shared other things. I was also worried about being stuck in the interpreter role all the time because his command of spoken (even written) language is minimal. I don't want to leave him out. But well, I work as a translator and often find myself slipping into translator mode when I don't even need to :) so maybe it's just natural? I'm learning sign so I can interact with his friends, and I've really enjoyed that. Time will tell, but I have no regrets so far.