Is he Deep Throat?


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Do you think this is the real "Deep Throat"?

Report: FBI Official Claims to Be 'Deep Throat'

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

NEW YORK — A former FBI official claims he was "Deep Throat," the long-anonymous source who leaked secrets about President Nixon's Watergate coverup to The Washington Post, Vanity Fair reported Tuesday.

W. Mark Felt, 91, who was second-in-command at the FBI in the early 1970s, kept the secret even from his family until 2002, when he confided to a friend that he had been Post reporter Bob Woodward's source, the magazine said.

"I'm the guy they used to call Deep Throat," he told lawyer John D. O'Connor, the author of the Vanity Fair article, the magazine said in a news release.

Felt was initially adamant about remaining silent on the subject, thinking disclosures about his past somehow dishonorable.

"I don't think [being Deep Throat] was anything to be proud of," Felt indicated to his son, Mark Jr., at one point, according to the article. "You [should] not leak information to anyone."

Felt is a retiree living in Santa Rosa, Calif., with his daughter, Joan, the magazine said. He could not immediately be reached for comment by The Associated Press. His family members disagreed with their father, feeling that he should receive accolades for his role in Watergate before his death.

The Washington Post had no immediate comment on the report.

O'Connor is a lawyer at the San Francisco firm Howard, Rice, Nemerovski, Canady, Falk & Rabkin. A receptionist there said O'Connor was out of the office but confirmed he was the author of the Vanity Fair article.

The existence of Deep Throat, nicknamed for a popular porn movie of the early 1970s, was revealed in Woodward and Carl Bernstein's best-selling book "All the President's Men." In the hit movie based on the book, Deep Throat was played by Hal Holbrook.

But his identity of the source whose disclosures helped bring down the Nixon presidency remained a mystery.

Among those named over the years as Deep Throat were Assistant Attorney General Henry Peterson, deputy White House counsel Fred Fielding, and even ABC newswoman Diane Sawyer, who then worked in the White House press office. Ron Zeigler, Nixon's press secretary, White House aide Steven Bull, speechwriters Ray Price and Pat Buchanan, and John Dean, the White House counsel who warned Nixon of "a cancer growing on the presidency," also were considered candidates.

And some theorized Deep Throat wasn't a single source at all but a composite figure.

In 1999, Felt denied he was the man.

"I would have done better," Felt told The Hartford Courant. "I would have been more effective. Deep Throat didn't exactly bring the White House crashing down, did he?"

In 2003, Woodward and Bernstein reached an agreement to keep their Watergate papers at the University of Texas at Austin.

At the time, the pair said documents naming "Deep Throat" would be kept secure at an undisclosed location in Washington until the source's death.
Nixon is dead and buried. When Watergate happened, he left his Presidency in shame and White House continued on without Nixon. America has just gone on just fine even with Watergate. IMHO, Watergate is just a ripple in the waters of America so to bring up this is a farce when we have major catastrophes on a global scale.
Cookie Monster said:
Nixon is dead and buried. When Watergate happened, he left his Presidency in shame and White House continued on without Nixon. America has just gone on just fine even with Watergate. IMHO, Watergate is just a ripple in the waters of America so to bring up this is a farce when we have major catastrophes on a global scale.
For those not interested in this topic, you are free to ignore it. My "edit" time has run out, so I can't remove it.

I am sorry, I didn't realize only topics about major catastrophes on a global scale were allowed. My mistake. :Oops:
Don't apologize, Reba. You have an interest in the topic, and if you felt it should be posted, so be it.

As for why he came forward now, I agree it's a bit odd. But, I think he just felt it was time. Nixon is dead. Watergate happened two decades ago. So, why not come forward now?
Reba said:
For those not interested in this topic, you are free to ignore it. My "edit" time has run out, so I can't remove it.

I am sorry, I didn't realize only topics about major catastrophes on a global scale were allowed. My mistake. :Oops:
Eh? It is first time for me to unable to detect if it is sarcasm or not. Anyway, I actually found this topic fascinating...

We have to wonder why he came forward today but I am not sure if that's Deep Throat or not. I wonder if will "X" comes forward in any time as well?
Reba said:
I am sorry, I didn't realize only topics about major catastrophes on a global scale were allowed. My mistake. :Oops:

No need for your mea culpa on this one.

Least there was never a maraschino cherry on the bottom of this deep throat.

Magatsu said:
Eh? It is first time for me to unable to detect if it is sarcasm or not.

For my posts, sarcasm is this: ;) or :roll:

my messed up embarressment is this: :Oops:

or sometimes I am just totally :confused:
Oh Reba, never apologise feel the need to apologise for posting interesting links like this because I have come to respect a wonderful author and philosopher by the name of Voltaire. He had a wonderful quote I often follow,"I will fight to the death for your right to your opinion." You are entitled to your opinions just as much as I am to mine. I just shared my opinions about Watergate resurfacing and I would like for you to share your opinions about this. Please don't be embarrassed. :)
Reba, don't be embarassed.

Watergate was a critical point in the U.S.' history and it was a very good example of why checks & balances in our government is necessary. Nixon was doing his damndest to abuse his executive powers.
It's alright to talk about this because it was big news and continues to be today - I live in Santa Rosa and in the local papers, it's been Felt this and Felt that, etc. It was a big thing because it was the downfall of Nixon and Watergate...
as a former santa rosan ofc i know how it is with all this press democrat making a big thing abt this the main thing is, its out its done and its part of history

This is a reminder about Deep Throat. Deep Throat is not a porn movie! It a undercover agent for FBI!! Thank you very much lol :thumb:
RedWolf said:
This is a reminder about Deep Throat. Deep Throat is not a porn movie! It a undercover agent for FBI!! Thank you very much lol :thumb:

Eh? Did you see anyone mentioning it in this thread? were the only one who has utilised the word in here. Only mentioned in the news article, but since it was big news around the time this thread was created, everyone had the sense to know what it was about.

I'm happy that they kicked Nixon out of the white house and he is a very bad man. Nixon will do anything dirty works. I believe that Nixon is one of men who killed JFK because Jack Ruby worked under Nixon and yeah, Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald to avoid any names' leak or info in the assassinate of President John F. Kennedy.
backerman said:
I'm happy that they kicked Nixon out of the white house and he is a very bad man. Nixon will do anything dirty works. I believe that Nixon is one of men who killed JFK because Jack Ruby worked under Nixon and yeah, Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald to avoid any names' leak or info in the assassinate of President John F. Kennedy.
I didn't know that Ruby worked for Nixon. What was his position? This is the first time I have heard this theory. Why would Nixon want to kill JFK?
R3na3Blyth3 said:
Eh? Did you see anyone mentioning it in this thread? were the only one who has utilised the word in here. Only mentioned in the news article, but since it was big news around the time this thread was created, everyone had the sense to know what it was about.


Deep Throat was also name after a x-rated movie with the same name. That why I mentioned about that.
RedWolf said:
Deep Throat was also name after a x-rated movie with the same name. That why I mentioned about that.

Yep that's right. It was the most popluar porn movie in 1970s.
backerman said:
Yep that's right. It was the most popluar porn movie in 1970s.

That correct. It was really popular back in 1970s the movie starring linda lovelace. She is famous for her deepthroating :D
Very interesting topic in this thread, Reba, and don't be embarrassed at all...

Reba said:
Do you think this is the real "Deep Throat"?

Report: FBI Official Claims to Be 'Deep Throat'

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

NEW YORK — A former FBI official claims he was "Deep Throat," the long-anonymous source who leaked secrets about President Nixon's Watergate coverup to The Washington Post, Vanity Fair reported Tuesday.

W. Mark Felt, 91, who was second-in-command at the FBI in the early 1970s, kept the secret even from his family until 2002,..."

As many of you know or heard, W. Mark Felt lives in Idaho, right? Anyway, I don't know if his claims are true or not. Perhaps time will tell and the question is when?

However, there is one thing I overheard in a news report when the Watergate scandal was cooling off after former President Nixon resigned. I don't remember the name of the news group, but it was spoken of only that one time and never again spoken and that was about Nixon having suspicions against the Democrats and had the building where the Democrats were holding their convention (or was it convention?) bugged or wiretaped. Anyway, the most shocking part of the news was what one man said when he "leaked" some information about what the tapes picked up was that the Democrats were getting funds to support their campaign for the Presidency and among the supporters that gave funds were communists or from the former Soviet Union.

(Alex... if you or the moderators feel this above information is too sensitive, please have it removed! Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience, but this is what I understood from that unknown news source.)

It was spoken of only that one time and never again spoken of. There is no proof given by the man who spoke to the news agency. So maybe this was just another one of those attention grabbing gimmicks for their program or something to that nature. They say, "Don't believe everything you hear."

As for the assassination of the dearly beloved President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, I listened to a TV series in the middle of the night on the History channel about two and a half years ago. This was about a coroner who worked on this case (JFK assassination) and would not or could not close his investigation until he had one more question answered.

When he was working on this case, he had concluded that there were 4 shots fired from possibly 3 men. Only one shot missed JFK. The last shot did the most damage and it came from a very low angle. He struggled on this case until he decided to go to that very spot in Dallas where the President was shot. He found on the sidewalk the round metal lid that covered a hole. Not far from that heavy round lid was a water drainage just off the sidewalk next to the street. You can see that water drainage hole in rectangular shape by standing on the road and look back to the sidewalk. My guess is that the coroner had help to get that heavy lid on the sidewalk removed and he climbed in and went down the ladder and saw the small space where the assassin who may have hid and waited in the early morning hours of the night until Kennedy's car came into his view and you know the rest... it's history. The coroner went back to his office satisfied and closed the case.
It would not be surprising if the killers of JFK were themselves killed within that very week of the assassination.

At the time of the assassination, one source has it that a deaf man was on the overpass (that Kennedy's car had rushed under on its way to the hospital) when he saw the commotion and sensed something was wrong. After a few minutes standing and looking from the overpass, he saw a man with a briefcase come out of a large hole. It was later found out that this large hole was the water exit that led to the very spot where the rectangular shaped water drainage hole was. The very same hole that the coroner later found during his investigation.

If my memory serves me right, the source that spoke of the deaf man witnessing these events was from Reader's Digest. Sorry if that was wrong, but the information about the coroner's findings was intensely interesting to me. I was 17 y.o. when Kennedy was shot. I still have the newspapers with large print of that fateful day. :ugh: