Is Deafness a disabilty thread (from another messageboard)PFH, PLEASE READ!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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I'm actually stunned by the attitude of some of the posters on that thread. For people who have no idea what it's like to be deaf, they certainly have a lot of opinions and very badly informed ones at that.
It would appear that those at the straight dope message board are doing a bunch of dope. Put down that crack pipe!
I'm actually stunned by the attitude of some of the posters on that thread. For people who have no idea what it's like to be deaf, they certainly have a lot of opinions and very badly informed ones at that.

This board reminds me of a link that Shel linked to a couple of years ago. When I saw the tread it was so full of vitriol that it made me feel exhausted and reluctant to post there. I think it was a thread on deaf ed on a forum that had nothing to do with deafness.
At least they didn't debate whether if the deaf should be allowed to drive or not.
PFH, your ex is at the very end. ....and yes the people there seem really kind of clueless, as to the diffy between Disabilty rights disabilty vs. " Tiny Tim, sick people trying to get well, I'm a helpless cwipple disablity"
There is ALSO a sibling of a guy who went to one of the oral schools, and he's so misinformed abt Deaf Ed in general, it made me want to scream.