iPod Touch CC movie


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Nov 20, 2006
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQaJbdBfe5Q]YouTube - IPod Touch CC movie[/ame]
Awesome! Working movie with CC. I will see iPod at Mirco Center or Best Buy store someday.
That's cool. Bought my iPod Touch a few weeks ago and loving it so far!
nice! i have iphone 8gb but i know the movie take up to 700mb with cc.. so i might dl it :)
nice! i have iphone 8gb but i know the movie take up to 700mb with cc.. so i might dl it :)

oh, average are 1GB on each movies. Only interest when I ripping movies from DVD and put in iPod Touch, it usually between 400 to 600 MB. Weird.
I already knew about it but wasn't sure if it is capable for myself, but didnt think too far. Anyway, it is 2009, by the way! :lol:
Maybe there wasn't iPod Touch/iPhone with CC available in Australia.
We didnt have these cc movies in australia until apple inf decided to opn to the global which was much better
Ipod, Iphone? Are both of them the same thing? :scratch: I am not into phones stuffs until now since I am looking for unlocked phone with T-mobile Data plan which have unlimited data. My sidekick 2008 had its limits and I got bored. No youtube, no 3G, etc...
Ipod, Iphone? Are both of them the same thing? :scratch: I am not into phones stuffs until now since I am looking for unlocked phone with T-mobile Data plan which have unlimited data. My sidekick 2008 had its limits and I got bored. No youtube, no 3G, etc...

T-mobile is pointless for iPhone. T-mobile 3G coverage is worse than ATT 3G coverage. My father already play with unlock iPhone for T-mobile and some feature are not work.

Why bother to get unlock iPhone? Just get iPod touch!
Maybe there wasn't iPod Touch/iPhone with CC available in Australia.

Never heard of dvdshrink or anydvd? :) Just copy off from dvd and save in iPod touch or iPhone and that's it.

Jack, You should try this.

SlySoft CloneDVD mobile | DVD to PSP, DVD to iVideo, DVD to ZEN

I use clonedvd mobile for copy from dvd to my old Treo 700p and it's work great with subtitle in three years ago.

Here a link what it looks like for subtitle.
T-mobile is pointless for iPhone. T-mobile 3G coverage is worse than ATT 3G coverage. My father already play with unlock iPhone for T-mobile and some feature are not work.

Why bother to get unlock iPhone? Just get iPod touch!

iPod touch? Is that a phone? :scratch: again.
iPhone is the iPod Touch with cellphone service plus wifi

Apple - iPod touch - Download songs and apps, play games, have fun.

iPod touch don't use wireless carriers but use WIFI only. iPhone is wireless carriers.

correct highlander :)

ipod touch is wifi and music player :)
Thank you both guys, I don't see a big difference in iPod Touch so I might be getting me a new wireless carrier, the iPhone since it can do almost anything as iPod does and terminate with T-Moible
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