

New Member
Oct 1, 2008
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Hi all! I am looking for some help- I have a younger brother in CA who is deaf. I've not been able to communicate with him other than snail mail. He does not have TTD/TTY, a cell phone (so I could maybe text him) & does not have a computer... He lives with my mother-

I would like to know if there is a way I can get him set up with either a cell phone or a computer w/internet service- so I can better communicate with him.

Any thoughts/ideas would be much appreciated.

Welcome to AD!
let you know.. TTD/ TTY use not too much for now. we set more sorenson VP200. great, if your younger brother does have VP200. I think yes, he does have it. look over website Sorenson Communications - Connecting You that is the best communication person on TV with Sorenson VP200. great!?
ask me anytime!!! thank you!
Welcome to AD!
I hope you find a way to get in touch with your brother :)
Welcome to AllDeaf.

Why don't you buy a prepaid phone with a texting function and give it to him for a gift? Send cards with extra minutes every so often to keep it functioning. (Buy one for yourself too if you don't have one.)
Hello :)

Can he buying a new computer and online... there Aim, emails webcam too :)

Good luck :)
Welcome to AllDeaf! :wave:

Hope you are able to find a way to keep in touch with your brother. I myself use a CapTel telephone, since I can speak, only total deaf. I don't use a cell phone since I can't get approved for a contract (credit issues) and I would be lost without my 'puter. Haven't learned ASL yet (still learning) so video phones won't be any good for me I think. Maybe later after I learn a little more.:hmm:
Welcome to!

Suggest him a sidekicK?
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I still use the TDD to communicate with my family through the relay service for the Deaf. I don't have VP (Videophone) in Canada. Someday I will get one. I hope your brother can type if he could type into the TDD to communicate with you. You probably can try buying it from the Hearing Society in your state or California. Good Luck!!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
:wave: Welcome to AD!!

I hope you get in touch with your brother in either way we gave you some ideas in posts. Good Luck! If you have anything to ask, Just ask right away.. we will be here for everybody as well.

Enjoy having you here...