Interrogative sentences in ASL?


New Member
Apr 20, 2009
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Okay, I understand the different nonmanual markers for yes/no & questions that require a detailed answer, but it seems I have trouble practicing such expressions without overdoing them and looking silly. When I go to raise my eyebrows 'slightly', it seems I always raise them too much and look really dumb. I've seen in some ASL videos that people will put their hands out to clarify it's a question, I assume. I was wondering if I could just do this to make it a question?

See 0:24-0:30
[ame=]YouTube - Hinder Lips of an Angel in ASL[/ame]
Were you singing or signing?

This is a song right? If so, more emotion needed. Such a blank face.

If you want to show love, use emotion. Use emotions using your eyes, facial expressions, move your upper body.
Okay, I understand the different nonmanual markers for yes/no & questions that require a detailed answer, but it seems I have trouble practicing such expressions without overdoing them and looking silly. When I go to raise my eyebrows 'slightly', it seems I always raise them too much and look really dumb. I've seen in some ASL videos that people will put their hands out to clarify it's a question, I assume. I was wondering if I could just do this to make it a question?

Agree with Mrs. Bucket and also, rhetorical could be used.

You are on the right track. Signs were easy to read. Practice Practice Practice :)
i agree with mrs bucket and aslgal.

good job with ASL signing but you need more expression in your face. it was really monotone and i couldn't feel your emotions. you need to move your brows and mouth more using nms and rhetorical statements.

Try again?
I agree with all the above, but being profoundly Deaf, I have no idea about the tempo of the song. Just like when people sing along, some body movement to the beat will help express the tempo and emotion of the song.
Um, I'm not the guy in the video o.O It was just an example. The point of this topic was about how to make a sentence interrogative. Sorry for any confusion.
Even if you weren't the guy in the video, this is a perfect example of how a monotone conversation would be.

Maybe you can film yourself to describe what you mean?
To answer the orgininal question, putting your hands out will signify to the other person that you are expecting an answer. However, unless you also accompany that with raised eyebrows, a questioning expression on the face, and perhaps even leaning in toward the other person slightly as if waiting for the answer, your ASL will still be monotone. Facial expression and body movement are necessary to convey messages that speaking people convey with tone of voice. In fact, watch a few hearing people as they speak, instead of just listening to them. Their non-verbal behaviors often tell you as much as their words. It is even more so for signers.