You know, the more movies I watch (just finished watching MTV's True Life-I'm Deaf episode), the more I reflect on my own experiences and learn of others', the more I read, the more I
know that the only way things are truly going to get better for Deaf people is for there to be a major reversal of mainstream attitudes.
As the article pointed out, the people who have the power of advocacy, of "helping," of "intervention," are all hearing. Most of them doing actually have a clue what it is to be deaf. (I mean no offense to those hearing members here who are striving to learn.) Parents finding out that their child is deaf do so from doctors... who immediately start pushing "fixes," something is
wrong, life is going to be
hard, there are so many
communication barriers. The perception is that deafness equals limited job opportunities, limited communication, limited relationships, limited life.
"the hearing are the ones who decide what is best for them. It’s the hearing who own the schools for the deaf, have advocated for mainstreaming the deaf into classrooms for the hearing, and are most likely their teachers."
You know what my obstacles are? Audism. The hearing people I deal with on a daily basis who have *no* idea about deafness. The misconceptions, the lack of understanding, the underlying attitude that deaf people are
broken hearing people. It's my family's unwillingness--or inability--to even admit my deafness... because they were taught to see it as something bad. My obstacles is the ignorance of Deaf culture, not deafness itself.
I don't know how, but more people need to receive messages like in this article. People need to be educated. The same way we are working to break down racial stereotypes (oh so long to go on that), we need to break down the definitions that are holding us down--and build something better in its place. It's the only way education is going to get better, jobs are going to get better, our trips to the freaking grocery store are going to get better.
Thanks for letting me share my 2 cents (or maybe 4).