Indian court: Gay sex is legal


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Mar 23, 2005
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NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- An Indian court on Thursday ruled that consensual sex between adults of the same gender is legal in the country, attorneys said.

Any homosexual act without the consent of either partner remains a criminal offense, however, Indira Jaisingh, counsel for the nonprofit Naz Foundation which had challenged the law, told CNN.

The ruling means the law -- Indian penal code section 377, which had criminalized consensual homosexual acts between adults -- has been partly struck down but remains in place as far as forced homosexual acts are concerned.

The verdict will affect law enforcement all around India because it deals with a law enacted by the federal parliament.

Government prosecutors did not immediately oppose the judgment, Jaisingh said, but they have that option.

India's Ministry of Home Affairs opposed changes to the law on grounds that decriminalizing homosexual conduct would "open the floodgates of delinquent behavior."

But on Wednesday, Home Minister P. Chidambaram indicated that the government might have "new thinking" on the issue.

Human Rights Watch called the ruling "a victory for basic rights to privacy, non-discrimination and liberty."

UNAIDS, the joint United Nations program on AIDS, also applauded the ruling, saying it restores dignity and human rights.

It was not immediately clear whether the ruling would eventually lead to legalization of gay marriages in the country.

"This, I think, will be the next level of demand from the gay community," Jaisingh said.

Jaisingh said she has fought for legalization of homosexuality for seven years on behalf of the Naz Foundation. The group says its "primary aim is to improve the sexual health and human rights of marginalized males who have sex with males, their partners and families in South Asia and elsewhere."

The court decision was issued amid plans for federal discussion of Section 377, which has sparked a religious outcry in conservative India.

Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh leaders have warned that they will oppose moves to decriminalize homosexuality.

Indian court: Gay sex is legal -
wooo hoo i can finally take that trip to india.. lol

but seriously that some good news!
This thread is move to GLBT section from current event section? :scratch:

It's news but it's not discussion about GLBT, it's just court that has ruled about gay sex is legal, it should be in current events because everyone could aware of news and not many people are aware of it in GLBT section.

It's just like Prop 8 has passed and news has posted in current news.
Good, that'll keep India's population from spiraling out of control. It's growing faster than China and might surpass China in few decades, I think.
wooo hoo i can finally take that trip to india.. lol

but seriously that some good news!

Only in the New Delhi, the outside of this city, people don't really agree with same-sex issues. Just be careful until thing improve. da da da da
I wouldn't go to India for vacation is because it's very strict rule for gay guys and it is also anti-gays somewhere in India. (My boyfriend and I don't feel safe going there because you just never know what will happens in India). If you kiss a guy or holding hand in public, no matter where you at, they could put you in prison for more than 10 yrs because it is unnatural offense or they're against gay/lesbian, that's why. I'm like "Forget it" :nono:

Like the movie, "Fire"
Incident: On its opening day in India, some movie theaters were attacked by Hindu fundamentalists, and the movie was eventually banned for religious insensitivity. The film was banned in Pakistan for the lesbian relationship that the movie plays around.

In what many are calling "India's Stonewall", the New Delhi High Court on Thursday decriminalized homosexual intercourse between consenting adults, by striking down section 377 of the Indian Penal Code. This law labels gay sex to be an "unnatural offense", punishable with up to ten years in prison.
Drafted in 1860, this Colonial-era law was brought into effect by the British, and was in line with similar anti-homosexuality legislation passed in England at the time. In the past decade, gay rights activists and lawyers have strived hard to abrogate Section 377, calling it "inhuman", and as the Naz Foundation, which filed the petition to abolition 377 in 2001 argued, a violation of constitutional rights to privacy and equality.
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Any backwards country that makes it illegal to "be gay" isn't worth visiting, much less living in. Most people don't believe you can change your sexual orientation. However on a Google search, some people claim they "turned gay"
Well, that is why we fought. We can't just leave it as it be if it does not goes right for everyone.

I would be very happy if it change much more than just this, let's give India some hope, okay? :)
Well, I'm hoping that it's going to change in India but I doubt it.

Homophobia and fear in India.
Well, I'm hoping that it's going to change in India but I doubt it.

Homophobia and fear in India.

United States was used to dislike the glbt community and almost every glbt folks have to be closet, but look at today. India could be just like that someday :)
Yeah, I know but well let's see what happens over there in India. Religious is strict and anti-gays in India.
But I wouldn't go there in India, it's for my safety. You know gay-bashing, I don't want that happens to me or my boyfriend :nono:

And of course U.S. here it can happens to anyone like Matthew Sheperd or Brandon Teena but over there, it could be even worst because of crazy religious.

Well, I do understand the safety for you and your boyfriend, I wouldn't go there to be open that I was gay neither.

But that is what it is like in the United States of America in the history. They burn people whosever that are opposed from the religions, including the witches, glbt, and etc.

Haven't you heard about the Hijra? Those are the type of third gender culture that existed in India and their beliefs are very interesting. They are still exist today. If there are any of people that are interested into being a Hijra, we have to protect them from being involved into a unreasonable violence or abuse or even discrimination.

It is like saving the GLBT in the world-wide including many different of cultures around the world.

The America was not the only one, the Europe already made it to protect the GLBT's rights, and even the country in South Africa legalized the same sex marriage, India can be one of them.

It is our goal.
No, I haven't heard anything about Hijra. That I didn't know about that.
Two young gay male got hanged in Iran, back in 2005. Imagine that over there in India.

Look at the pic here:

This event is really terrible and senseless base on the freedom of the people. This is the reason why we have to fight against this. To prevent this from happening to us, the GLBT folks.

No, I haven't heard anything about Hijra. That I didn't know about that.

Here's the link:
Ah, now that I understand what Hijra is all about. Thanks for the link.