In need of sign language information for a film


New Member
Aug 18, 2015
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Hey guys,
I'm a university student from Brisbane Australia who is working on their grad film. The film includes a character who is a young deaf boy, but it is only revealed at the end of the film. Anyway, i really want to make sure i get the sign language correct for the lines that him and his father share. There isn't many, and I'm not sure if sign language differs between countries (this information would be useful if you know aswell), but i was wondering if you would be so kind as to walk me through how to sign the following phrases/sentences, or at least as close to as we can possibly get,

"Hide and seek."
"who was that?" or "Who were they?"
and finally
"Unlucky ones" or "The Unlucky Ones".
If it is an Australian film, you should probably find someone who can help you with Australian Sign Language (Auslan). Have you located your local Deaf Community Center? You may find someone here, but that could be a long shot. If you choose another language, your film won't be credible. Brisbane is a big city. Find the local Deaf Community and reach out to them. You will need to see the won't be believable if some descrbes it, just like I can't describe an American accent to you.