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New Member
Apr 14, 2015
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I'm moderately hard of hearing, and I can usually hear things. it's only some people and situations that i struggle (and in the dark when I can't read lips). I had hearing aids but they broke and I won't have them for a while. it's really hard to explain to people that I can't hear. sometimes I wish I was 100% hearing or 100% deaf so it was easier for people to wrap their heads around. I get really embarrassed about it and it's getting harder and harder to even get through the days because I can't hear. anyone have any advice? it would help if I had other hoh friends...


I just had it pointed out to me that I already welcomed you at your other introduction thread. :Oops:

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Hi grace. its good your here. your doing a positive action by reaching out and seeking others who are like you, and who face the same plms and issues regarding being Deaf, or becoming deaf. deafness is and can very much be a wall of lonilenes and isolation. but know this wall can be breached. Know the chasm that deafness is, can be bridged. Sign is that bridge. Sign can breach the wall And bridge the chasm.
You are NOT alone. And its a pleasure to meet you.
find Deafies, now your here Deafies will find you, have patience with sign and grace, in no time you will see The wall that is deafness, give way to the Gift of being Deaf.
Hey grace, I've been through the same thing. I wear earplugs to block my residual hearing and establish myself as deaf, as trying to hear is too much of a struggle. I will be your friend :) just pm me or Skype me at in_over_my_head18 , I'd be pleased to assist you and support you.
You should not be embarrassed. But you have to get comfortably with your own identity. You have to be able to tell people. "I'm Deaf" for people that know you already. You can easily follow that up with I was Hard of Hearing but my hearing got worse and now I'm Deaf. Or say my hearing aids are broken, can you please write what you said etc.