i'm sick of being skinny


New Member
Jul 16, 2007
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hi my name is jessica and i'm 17 going on 18.. i have a major crisis here!! sorry if i sound like im whining or anything but im just so sick of being skinny. im sick of people making comments on how skinny i am. it's not my fault and i come from a family of thin women. i am not anorexic or bulemic. i just have a high metabolism. i cry almost everynite cuz i feel so ugly even though people and my bf say im pretty. i guess i have self esteem issues. ive tried drinking boost and ensure, but it tastes horrible!! the taste is so unbearable and its hard for me to choke it down. im almost 5'2 and 90 lbs.. i would like to gain 10 or 15 pounds.. any ideas?? sorry to vent like this but i want to be able to fill in all jeans i try on at the mall. i want to be able to look at myself in the mirror everyday and be sastified with my body. ive tried many things, but its almost impossible for me to gain weight.. im sick of people saying things like "oh come on you should be happy with yourself" or "you should be glad your belly doesnt hang out when you wear midriffs like these skanks i see at the mall"..NOT HELPFUL ENOUGH FOR ME!! all i want is to gain 15 pounds so people will stop comparing me to that fucking anorexic whore paris hiltion.. :pissed: pardon my french.. :giggle:
hi my name is jessica and i'm 17 going on 18.. i have a major crisis here!! sorry if i sound like im whining or anything but im just so sick of being skinny. im sick of people making comments on how skinny i am. it's not my fault and i come from a family of thin women. i am not anorexic or bulemic. i just have a high metabolism. i cry almost everynite cuz i feel so ugly even though people and my bf say im pretty. i guess i have self esteem issues. ive tried drinking boost and ensure, but it tastes horrible!! the taste is so unbearable and its hard for me to choke it down. im almost 5'2 and 90 lbs.. i would like to gain 10 or 15 pounds.. any ideas?? sorry to vent like this but i want to be able to fill in all jeans i try on at the mall. i want to be able to look at myself in the mirror everyday and be sastified with my body. ive tried many things, but its almost impossible for me to gain weight.. im sick of people saying things like "oh come on you should be happy with yourself" or "you should be glad your belly doesnt hang out when you wear midriffs like these skanks i see at the mall"..NOT HELPFUL ENOUGH FOR ME!! all i want is to gain 15 pounds so people will stop comparing me to that fucking anorexic whore paris hiltion.. :pissed: pardon my french.. :giggle:

First thing, welcome to alldeaf!

Whoa, hang on there, young lady....can't you just slow down? You have just typed too much words that I can't get it all together... Do you play sports? If so, that might explain why.
Welcome to Alldeaf! I would suggest you to go to a doctor that specalizes in weight issues. They could help you to gain weight in a healthy way and mantain your weight in the normal range. I hope this helps for ya. :)
Welcome to Alldeaf! I would suggest you to go to a doctor that specalizes in weight issues. They could help you to gain weight in a healthy way and mantain your weight in the normal range. I hope this helps for ya. :)

Yeah, like Sequoias said... go and see a doctor.
You say you're 17. Maybe, you're a late bloomer?

I know some women who don't fill out until after they graduate high school. Give it time.

If you're really in a hurry, try eating more protein or something.

Like other members said, see a doctor... they might be able to help you more. :dunno:

I have a friend who's naturally thin. However, I have another friend who isn't naturally thin... but naturally well-developed. Yet, she tries to starve herself or is bulimic (puking after eating)... so she can be like my friend.
Hey there!
I'm on the exact opposite end. I'm too fat.
I am in the belief that it is easier to gain weight then to lose it.

Try this- it actually made me gain weight when I was in a depressive state.
Eat a lot for one day, like.. stuff yourself every few hours.
For the next day, stop eating.. drink water..
next day, step 1, then step 2, etc..etc..

That will confuse your metabolism into thinking there is a shortage of food and it will slow down and you will gain weight. Though you may not like where you gain weight..

I dunno.. just a thought..

Hey, you want to steal some of my extra poundage? LOL! :naughty:
Hey there!
I'm on the exact opposite end. I'm too fat.
I am in the belief that it is easier to gain weight then to lose it.

Try this- it actually made me gain weight when I was in a depressive state.
Eat a lot for one day, like.. stuff yourself every few hours.
For the next day, stop eating.. drink water..
next day, step 1, then step 2, etc..etc..

That will confuse your metabolism into thinking there is a shortage of food and it will slow down and you will gain weight. Though you may not like where you gain weight..

I dunno.. just a thought..

Hey, you want to steal some of my extra poundage? LOL! :naughty:

LOL never heard of that but thanks for your advice! ill try that
Welcome to All Deaf! :D

I have been very very very skinny boy since I was freshmen, I graudated two years ago, my body is no different than when I was freshmen, I sometimes whine about how thin I am, but that is what my body is. I sometimes found how lucky I am as not being fat because they walk so slow, can't fix some of the rides in the fair, etc.

But whatever makes you feel better and happy is fine with me :)
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hold it there. I am sure you are fine right now. I was at 95lbs at 5'3" tall. That didnt bother me at all. Now I have gain weight by having a child. *Dont even think about that* I am sure you will gain some weight in the future but for now please enjoy what you have now. I wish to go back where I was cuz I hate my belly that I have now. I want to have a flat tummy. Dang you are lucky. Please do enjoy your weight while you can. Hugs!!
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hold it there. I am sure you are fine right now. I was at 95lbs at 5'3" tall. That didnt bother me at all. Now I have gain weight by having a child. *Dont even think about that* I am sure you will gain some weight in the future but for now please enjoy what you have now. I wish to go back where I was cuz I hate my belly that I have now. I want to have a flat tummy. Dang you are lucky. Please do enjoy your weight while you can. Hugs!!

I am with u on this one, she should not worry about her weight. I used to be so skinny and wish I would be same as I was before had two kids.

Starryeye, love it while it lasts. Your only young so do not let anyone bother u by saying your skinny. If you do not like what u saw in your mirror, just try to workout with weight to gain some nice muscle, not too much but nice little build up.
be patience until you hit 30 years old, and your metabolism will finally slow down. Stop whine, you will have better body forever in adulthood.

I was skinny and I'm happy what I'm as first-time-being-30s. My body show some fat and I had to work out.
Go to doctor and get simple blood test for Grave's disease (hyperthyroidism)
Welcome! I have a three friends with a similar problem. They can sit down and eat a gallon of ice cream and loose weight. O_o I agree with the others who said you should go to a doctor. Never let other people's opinions of you shape how you feel. :hug:

(Also, you might want try deep fried Snickers bars. They're really high in fat. But you should still see a doc.)

Yours truly,
Try more large amount food on plates? example try order large sub instead small sub?

Because in High school I was so thinner and didn't realize that I am really thinner! When my relative and friends say me that I am too thin! So Maybe they are trying to help you??

Good Luck! ;):):)
I'd say see a nutritionist.. they can give you the healthiest way to gain weight. Don't do binge eating or eating foods high in fat. Check with a nutritionist, they're your best source to gain or lose weight.
You know, starry eyes, I have tried all my life to gain weight, and the only time I was successful was when I was pregnant! But then as soon as the baby was born, I was right back down where I started. Like you, I've tried many different things, including a diet from the doctor. And, like you the only reason I put myself through all that worry was because of other's rudeness. I am not unhealthy, and I am not uncomfortable, but other people (usually overweight themselves) seem to want to make an issue of it. I have finally reached the conclusion that this is the weight I am supposed to be or it would have changed at some point in my life. I eat as much as anyone else eats, and don't monitor my diet too closely. I jsut am skinny and supposed to be skinny. If it bothers other people, then its their problem, not mine. I'm fine jsut the way I am. And the last time someone was rude enough to ask me if I was anorexic, I simply replied, "No, I'm bulemic!" I consider that question in the same way I saw the question, "Is he deaf?" when people would see me signing to my son. (Itold them, "no, he's blind.") All the worry over your weight is more unhealthy than being skinny. By the way, I'm 5' tall and weigh 96 lbs.
I consider that question in the same way I saw the question, "Is he deaf?" when people would see me signing to my son. (Itold them, "no, he's blind.")

:rofl: Jillo is right though. Say something to throw them off gaurd and it'll shut them up.