I'm hearing,I have a deaf two year old


New Member
Feb 13, 2007
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I have deaf two year old and everybody in my house is hearing. It has been difficult, but because of her I have met the woderful world of the deaf.
I see there's a lot of complaints because of this "dissability" but the hearing world have their complaints. Most people care about hearing mocking the deaf but deaf also mocks the hearing. I just think that it is an interesting world that I would've never met if my daughter would've been hearing.

My entire family is learning ASL and sometimes we go out in public and make people believe we are all deaf just to see how they accept the deaf community. We have received many different reactions people that get exited and sign back, others just stare, some look away and many others feel pitty.

That is why my family wants to make a difference. Alliance for families with deaf children is an organization in FT. Lauderdale Florida helping my two year old daughter and over thirty other families. We have scheduled a public hearing with Broward County's commissioners on Feb.15,2007 From 8:30 to 11:00 am we are getting the chance to be heard and advocate for the deaf there's also an iterpreter provided by the state. You are more than welcome to come and advocate. For more info. jennifer@affwdc.org Executive director for AFDC.
I applaud u and your family for learning ASL! Your child is very blessed to have a mother like u. :applause:

:welcome: to AD!
I just think that it is an interesting world that I would've never met if my daughter would've been hearing.
Totally! I really wish hearing parents would think " Oh here's a neat culture and a whole bunch of fun stuff that I never even knew existed!" rather then "Oh boo hoo hoo! My child is HANDICAPPED! and has to deal with all this "special needs stuff!"
Hey, are you hooked up with the American Society for Deaf Children yet? It's a great organization for signing deaf kids.........also get in touch with the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind.......its a great school!
:welcome: To All Deaf Arianis!!
That's great I'm hearing also &
good to know your family willing to
Learn ASL!! I've enjoyed it myself:)
Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy Your Stay Here:thumb:
I applaud you Arianis! Don't ever get discouraged, no matter how people react. I consider my Deaf son to be the biggest blessing in my life, and I credit the Deaf community for making me a better person, and enriching my life in ways that would never have been possible without their kindness and willingness to teach and guide me.

Your child will lead you on a wonderful journey. Let your child be your guide, and follow your instincts. There are those that will tell you that you need to make your child adapt to the hearing world, rather than you adapting to your child's deafness. But you already have the right idea.
I guess as a parent, the best way to raise any child is to love him or her and teach this child the difference between right and wrong. I can speak 4 languages and I am doing well. My wife and I are deaf with 2 hearing daughters and we are doing very well. God bless your journey!