I'm Deaf:

You obviousily are feeling quite angry and hurt.
What don't you just tell us what is on your mind.
We share your pain, we have gone through probably
similar or the same situations.
People do care....
especially those that are "IN" the Deaf Community (which
you are IN).

Its just that no one ever seems time to try to help me do anything.
And whenever they do they act put out about it, and get mad because "THEY HAVE TO BE BOTHERED BECAUSE THE DEAF DUMMY THINKS HE IS SPECIAL".

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here, btw I'm deaf too ;) ...
Alot of us are deaf, you're not alone. Please don't beat yourelf up. By the way, welcome to Alldeaf!
People do care.... especially those that are "IN" the Deaf Community (which
you are IN).
You may get upset BUT LMM feels this is out of line! Why? Because this is not a Deaf Community. It is only people that may have a hearing loss forum!
A Deaf Community is people who believe in stickly ASL. Here on this board you have some people who don't believe in ASL, Which make this just a forum about hearing loss! Yes you have a right to be mad at LMM relpy, But at the same token she have every right to stand up for her Deaf Community! Which is not any part of the hearing world!
People in the Deaf Community don't ask hearing people for anything! Asking for a terp is their right under the law! Plus alot of Deaf don't write and/or read English!
When a person thinks they know more about Deaf then a Deaf person it piss them off! Good way to make a Deaf person mad!
LMM haven't lived her life in the Deaf Community just so hearies will disgrade her Community! When you claim a place as a Deaf Community, You should have facts straight! This is NOT a Deaf Community, Only a place where people have hearing losses!

:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf deafdexterhaxOr!!! I hope you're enjoying yourself on this forum, and meeting lots of deaf people. I myself am hearing, and have been brought up by deaf parent's. It wasn't an easy life for them either, but, they did the best they could, and I will always cherish that. I hope you have fun posting, and welcome aboard!!! ;)

Maybe some of us could lend a hand if we knew were you are located
