I'M BACK ! with vengence !! LOL please read folks


Active Member
Jun 30, 2006
Reaction score
HI folks,
as you may know I have been banned for a month just because I wanted to explore a debate on whether *technology* has became a new *god* for worship...oh well but pardon the pun it fell on *deaf ears* LOL!!

anywayz...move on...

want to say a big hi to my favourites,

that cranky doc, Botti,
that one who doesn't listen properly, whatdidyousay!
that headbanger teacher, Shel90,
that fav english ranter, Caz12,
that cool korean biker, Jiro,
that gal on the bike who have pet snakes *eeek*, Mewtilation,
that cheap train ticket hunter, Chicagoblue2,
that nutter, Oddball,
that exotic car spotter, Deafsmogtest
that little boy with a broken tooth, ncff07,
that spring chicken, silverroxy,
that crazy one playing with fire, cutting power cables, Poweron,
that catwoman, Frisky,
that dogwoman, dogmom,
hat sporty russian, Authetic,
that one with a heavy spasm with the right foot, femme fatale,
that sugardaddy wannabe, Calvin,
that new member whose name reminds me of a german lady with tits smashing things (on youtube you go look for it!) , angrymelon
that hard-headed anti-audist, Deaffyke,
that naughty granny, rockin'robin
that unusual cat, Alleycat,
that guy who haven't gotten rid of the training wheels, Tousi,
that one massages ugly old men and dreams of being a Cleo magazine photographer , Ambrosia,
that bike dealer with a lot of broken heart, Dereksbicycles,
that one with a card short of the pack, Foxrac,
that good granny, Reba,
that headbanger, sonocativo,
that guy who got a nice M5 and want a Porsche 911 T !!, Alex,

urgh, too many to list, you can add if you want!!...
just wanna say hi!, NOW mods, can you please enable "like" please...
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I listen just fine , I just do NOT have to agree with everything people post ! And I did not even realize you where gone for a month , I did not miss ya!
'Tis the
season soon! :wave:
Just for the record that right foot with the heavy spasms caused the broken tooth!!! :laugh2:
Ticket hunter, amateur photograper, frequent train rider, and very frequent bicycle rider. Been busy getting around the city, and the Metra and my bicycle are big parts of that. I continue to search for new ways to improve my skills. That could mean expanding my Chicago, IL thread into the suburbs next year.
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wwhhhhaaaa???? you got banned for that? :roll:

but welcome back! did you have a good time at Devil's Island? :lol:

Welcome back!!! Havent been on AD much these days and I didn't even know you were gone. That's how little I get on AD these days. Life is so busy...not like before.