If your understanding of God is dead try mine.

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Sep 6, 2005
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The people created a God.
No one knows what the external characteristics
of this God are, a God who made himself known
with the name " I am who I am ".
Is it enough for us in the XXIc ?
Why didn,t the formula E=Mc^2 write in the Bible?
I explaine Religion ( God, Soul...Genesis...etc ) by simple
laws and formulas of Physics.
www.socratus. com
Best wishes.
What is the first law of Universe ?
The Physics is first of all Vacuum.
Vacuum is :T=0K.
Once upon a time, 20 billions of years ago, all matter
(all elementary particles and all quarks and
their girlfriends- antiparticles and antiquarks,
all kinds of waves: electromagnetic, gravitational,
muons… gluons field ….. etc.) – was assembled in a “single point”.
It is interesting to think about what had surrounded the “single point”.
The answer is :
But why does everyone speak about EMPTINESS- NOTHING in
common phrases rather than in specific, concrete terms?
I wonder why nobody has written down this EMPTINESS- NOTHING in
the form of a physical formula ? You see, every schoolboy knows that
is possible to express the EMPTINESS- NOTHING condition
by the formula T=0K.
* * *
Once there was a “Big Bang”.
But in what space had the Big Bang taken place
and in what space was the matter of the Big Bang distributed?
Not in T=0K?
It is clear, that there is only EMPTINESS, NOTHING, in T=0K.
Now consider that the Universe, as an absolute frame of reference is
in a condition of T = 2,7K (rests relic radiation of the Big Bang ).
But, the relic radiation is extended and in the future will change and decrease.
What temperature can this radiation reach?
Not T=0K?
Hence, if we go into the past or into the present or into the future,
we can not escape from EMPTINESS- NOTHING T=0K.
Therefore it is necessary to begin to think from T=0K.
About the theory of the “Big Bang”
is written the thick (very thick) books.
But anywhere do not write about the reason of the “Big Bang”.
Anybody does not know it.
I know.
Action, when the God opens his palm,
have named the “Big Bang”.
And action, when the God compresses his palm,
have named " a single point”.

What is the second law of Universe ?

To answer of this question we must ask:
" What geometrical and physical parameters
have the particles in Vacuum T=0K? "
The Classical physics says, that when we reach
the temperature T=0K all moving of particles
stops, and the Energy of this space is equal to zero.
It means that the space T=0K is died one.
Therefore it is impossible something to say about T=0K.
But Quantum physics says that the Energy of this space
is not equal to zero. Quantum physics says that in T=0K
“ virtual” particles exist. Why does nobody recognize the
geometrical and physical parameters of “ virtual” particles?
For example: “ Can they have volume?”
Because according to J. Charles law ( 1787),
when the temperature falls down on 1 degree
the volume decreases on 1/273. And when the
temperature reaches -273 degree the volume
disappears. The particles become flat figures.
From them the most optimal is circle: C/D=pi.
According to SRT quantum of light flies
with speed c = 1. And in this moving it cannot
have volume. It means that quantum of light
has a geometrical form of circle: C/D = 3,14….
A quantum of light is a privileged particle.
Only a light quantum has the absolute speed: c=1.
No other particle can travel with the speed: c = 1.
Other particle can travel only with the speed: s=d/t.
And I was taught at school from the first class:
that the incommensurable quantities cannot be compared.
To connect incommensurable quantities it
is similar to the decision of a problem:
"What will be if the whale will attacks the elephant?"
If quantum of light flies always only rectilinearly
with speed c=1, it is a mad one.
Quantum of light have two kinds of spins ,
as a result of which the particle attains motion.
Under the action of Planck,s spin (impulse),
which is equal to the unit ( h =1)
a quantum of light flies rectilinearly with speed (c = 1).
The geometrical form of a circle: (C/D = 3,14).
A quantum of light behaves as a particle.
Under the action of Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck's spin ,
( h = h / 2pi) a quantum of light rotates around of its diameter
with the speed more of light quanta : c>1
and is known as electron.
The geometrical form of a circle is transformed into a sphere.
This kind of movement is described by Lorentz's transformations .
In this action the wave properties of light quantum are shown.
The dualism of a particle becomes clear.
The paradox of dualism disappears completely.
The Origin of Consciousness.

There are many theories explaining the origin of consciousness.
Here some of them.
1) God has taken clay and has created man, and then has inhaled in it consciousness.
2) 20 billions years ago all matter (all elementary particles,
all quarks and their girlfriend antiquarks, all kinds of waves:
electromagnetic, gravitational, muons….) – all was assembled in “singular point”.
Then there was a Big Bang .
Question: when was there consciousness?
a) Before explosion,
b) At the moment of explosion,
c) After the explosion.
It is more probable, that it existed after the explosion.
Then there is a question: what particles (or waves) were carriers of consciousness?
Mesons, muons, leptons, bosons (W+, W- , Z) ,quarks, …gluons field ….. ets …?
On this question the Big Bang theory does not give an answer.
But can it be that consciousness was formed as a result of the interaction of all elementary particles, all waves, all fields?
Then, on the one hand, the reason for the origin of the Big Bang is clear:
everything was mixed, including consciousness, and when it is mixed
then it is possible to construct all and everything.
But on the other hand, it is not clear: why farmer John can think simply, clearly and logically.
3) Ancient Indian Veda approve, that origination of consciousness is connected with the existence of spiritual, conscious particles – purusha .
4) Modern physics affirms that the Quantum of light is a privileged particle as in one cases,
it behave as a particle, and in other case, acts in a way which causes a wave.
How is a particle capable of creating a wave?
The behaviour of Light quanta (dualism ) is explained simply.
A quantum of light has its own initial consciousness.
This consciousness is not rigid, but develops.
The development of consciousness goes “from vague wish up to a clear thought”.
* * *
The theory of knowledge.
The man acts: 1) at usual under logic program,
2) sometimes on intuition (unconsciousness).
* * *

In scientific and popular publications we can see an often usage
of a word “infinity”.
For example: the space is infinite, time is infinite, and the Universe is infinite.
But anywhere it is not explained, how exactly the infinity is connected with
One understands infinity as the opportunity to move infinitely on a straight line,
never encountering any barrier.
The other understands infinity as an opportunity to increase the numbers infinitely
(atoms, stars, galaxies, the moments of time) 1, 2.3, … … etc,
always adding one point to the number already counted.
G. Hegel has named such understanding of infinity as “bad, unreasonable”.
Hegel thought, that in contrast to "bad" should exist also the
“Reasonable infinity “.By his opinion, the REASONABLE INFINITY
should be something positive and concrete.
At the same time he demanded to specify the following:
1) a ñonnection between the infinite and the concrete,
2) a ñonnection of infinity not only with quantity, but also with quality,
3) to explain an inconsistent character between the infinity and
the concreteness.
For thousands of years people used a concept of God in order
to explain this interrelation.
But Hegel would like to find more rational, scientific explanation.
And how does the modern science refer to this question?
The concept of infinite, eternal, absolute means nothing
to a scientists, causes them bewilderment and "horror".
They do not understand how they could draw any real,
concrete conclusions from these characteristics.
A notions of "more", "less", "equally, "similar" could not be conformed
to a word infinity or eternity.
The Infinity/Eternity is something, that has no borders,
has no discontinuity; it could not be compared to anything.
Considering so, scientists came to conclusion that the
infinity/eternity defies to a physical and mathematical definition
and cannot be considered in real processes.
Therefore they have proclaimed the strict requirement
(on a level of censor of the law):
« If we want that the theory would be correct,
the infinity/eternity should be eliminated ».
Thus they direct all their mathematical abilities,
all intellectual energy to the elimination of infinity.
They think out various mathematical cunnings
(method of renormalization) .
.However, R. Feynman said, that:
«The method of renormalizations is a way
to tidy up rubbish under a carpet».
Using artificial mathematical methods, it is possible to get out
of any theoretical difficulty, but the question remains:
«What relation does it have towards nature? »
Whether it is possible to give a specific
characterization to a REASONABLE INFINITY?
Yes. It is possible.
Now it is consider, that reference frame connected with
relict isotropic radiation T = 2,7K is absolute.
But T = 2,7K is not a constant factor.
This relict isotropic radiation continues to extend and decrease
and, hence, in the future will reach T=0K.
The Universe is Nothing: T=0K.
The Physics is first of all Vacuum:T=0K.
Absolute God can exist only behind this
Absolute reference system : Vacuum T=0K.
The Quantum physics approves, that in the beginning
God /Vacuum created " virtual particles ".
What a geometrical and physical parameters can
the “virtual particles’ have in Absolute Zero, in T=0K?
Vacuum in the beginning has created the " light quantum ".
And from all particles, only and only the quantum of light
is a privileged particle.
Only the light quantum has
a maximal, constant, absolute quantity of c=1.
No other particle can travel with the speed c = 1.
If quantum of light always flies rectilinearly c=1, it is a mad one.
Is he (it) really mad?
In Vacuum, in a condition of rest
its internal impulse is equal to zero h=0.
But Quantum of Light has two kinds of internal impulse.
1)Under one internal impulse (Planck,s spin h =1)
a quantum of light flies rectilinearly with speed (c = 1).
A quantum of light behaves as a particle.
2) Under other internal impulse
(Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck's spin ħ = h / 2pi)
a quantum of light rotates around of his diameter
and is known as electron.
A quantum of light behaves as a wave.
Very strange particle is quantum of light.
Quantum of light stays in Vacuum and on it nobody and nothing renders influence.
It is independent and makes a decision in which of three conditions it occurs.
1. In a condition of rest its internal impulse is equal to zero h=0.
2 .In a condition of uniform rectilinear movement its impulse h=1.
3. In a condition of rotation around of his diameter its impulse ž =h/2π.
So it can work only with particle that has his own consciousness.
They are alive, spiritual particles.
His own consciousness is not static but can develop.
The development of conscious scale goes
" from vague wishes up to a clear thought ".
This evolution proceeds during hundred millions (billion) years.
On the question:
What inhale the Life in formulas and equations ?
What must be present in a body to make it alive ?
The answer is:
Soul. Quantum of Light.
Because, from all particles,
only and only the quantum of light is a privileged particle.
All of us have the personal God and it is Quantum of light.
Do mathematicians understand Physics?
Mathematics is not written for mathematicians.
Mathematics is written for physics, for Nature.
This simple fact is forgotten in the science now.
After war, in Russia there were many thieves' gangs
And I, as a boy, rotated among one of them.
They had their own language, thieves' jargon.
Not anyone could understand them.
Now I read some mathematical articles and they
remind me forgotten thieves' slang.
Are you laughing? Is it ridiculous ?
For me it isn't ridiculous .
Because , mathematicians stole the picture
of reality from us . Because they make us
poor and stupid.
Why do you say so?
OK. I will try to prove it and explain my point of view.
It began in 1905 when Einstein created SRT,
( theory of photon/ electron's behaviour ).
Minkowski, trying to understand SRT, used 4D space.
Poor young Einstein , reading Minkowski interpretation,
said, that now he couldn't understand his own theory.
" You are right, it is difficult to understand SRT, using 4D space.
But using my 5D space it is possible" - said Kaluza in 1921.
This theory was checked up and recognized insufficient.
" Well, - said another mathematicians, - maybe 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D
spaces will explain it". And they had done it.
But the doubts still stay.
"OK,- they say, - we have only one way to solve this problem,
we must create more complex D spaces " .
And they do it, they use all their power, all their
super intellectuals to solve this problem.
Glory to these mathematicians !!!!
But there is one nuance. To create new D space, mathematicians
must take a new parameter. It is impossible to
create new D space without a new parameter.
And the mathematicians take this parameter arbitrarily
( it fixed according to his opinion not objective rules ).
The physicist R. Lipin explained this situation in such way :
" Give me three parameters and I can fit an elephant. With four
I can make him wiggle his trunk..."
To this Lipin's opinion it is possible to add :
" with one more parameter the elephant will fly. "
The mathematicians sell and we buy these theories.
Where are our brains?
Please, remember, many D spaces were born as a whish
to understand SRT ( theory of photon/ electron's behaviour ).
But if someone wants to understand, for example,
a bird ( photon / electron) itself and for this he
studies only surroundings will he reach success ?
If I were a king , I would publish a law:
every mathematician who takes part in the creation
of 4D space and higher - to award with a medal
" To the winner of a common sense ".
Because they have won us, using absurd ideas
of Minkowski and Kaluza.
I asked some mathematician :
There are many different D spaces in the math/ physicist's works.
Are there limits of these D spaces?
Maybe is 123 D space the last and final space ?

He answered:
I think there are as many opinions on this as there
are people giving thought to the issue.

My own opinion is that since the more immediately
obvious 123D option (either parabolic, flat or hyperbolic)
did not allow, despite all efforts, reconciling the various
theories, then there is need to try something else.

Maybe has this time
"then there is need to try something else" come ?

And what is mathematical opinion about photon itself ?
Here is one example how mathematician tries
to solve the problem.
Russian scientist professor V.P. Seleznev created "toro model "
of light quanta. According to this model the light quanta is a
constant volume ring ( like bublik) . The speed of it
is different and this fact gives possibility to understand
all light natural phenomenones, overcome through all
contradictions in the physics and to offer a new technology.
So it is written in the book.
/ Book "The secrets of Universe" 1998.
V.D. Demin. Page 377./
Short explanation is given on 4 pages.
Glory to this scientist .!!!!
Glory to this professor !!!!
But I have only one question .
Can this "toro volume ring model "
( like bublik) have volume in Vacuum ?
The answer is " NO "
According to J. Charles law ( 1787),
when the temperature falls down on 1 degree
the volume decreases on 1/273. And when the
temperature reaches -273 degrees the volume
disappears and particles become "flat figures ".
The " Charles law" was confirmed by other physicists:
Gay-Lussac, Planck, Nernst, Einstein .
So, according to Charles law
the "toro volume ring model " is only
mathematic illusion .

There are many different models of photon.
To choose the correct one we needs to ask
a question: " Which geometrical form can
photon have in vacuum ? "
Some scientists say:
" The darkest subject in the science is light quanta."
Maybe now some my readers will understand
better the way on wich we must go.
Now mathematics goes ahead science and physics follows it.
Mathematicians carry the posters " Forward to abstract",
" Forward to absurd" and we all follow them.
We go bravely on dinosaur's path.
My thanks to gentlemen : Jim Whitescarver ,
Andre Michaud, Richard Gauthier, " R.A." and " Si "
for helping me to understand the alphabet of mathematical slang.
Religion and Physics. XXI C.
The words "God", "soul", "religion",
" dualism of consciousness", "human being"
are possible to explain with the physical formulas and laws.
T = 0K.
C/D=pi , E=Mc^2, R/N=k , h = 0 , i^2=-1 .
h = 1, c=1. ( light quanta).
h = h /2pi , c>1.
E = hw, e^2 = hca ( electron).
The Lorentz transformations.
Star formation:
e- - k - He II - He I - rotating He - thermonuclear reaction:
a) hw > kT
b) hw = kT
c) kT > hw
p ( proton)
Evolution of interaction:
a) electromagnetic,
b) nuclear,
c) biological.
a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy.
b) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / law.
c) The Pauli Exclusion Principle/ law.
Biopsychology: dualism of consciousness.
The theory and practice.
Religion and Physics. XXI C.
This model of GENESIS is so simple, logical and clear,
that GOD himself will put his signature under it .
'Why isn,t God putting his signature now?
Now he is busy.
Some time ago He opened his palm and
a process ' big bang' happened .
And now He tries to compress his palm and
to change the 'big bang' in the 'singular point'.
As soon as He is free, He will sign this document
What does this have to do with Deaf Culture?
Mod's Note:

I'm closing this thread - As per rules, Any discussion about religions are not allowed in AllDeaf.
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