If you had a say in how to change the world........


Veteran Traveler
Premium Member
Nov 21, 2013
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What would you do? For me, I would have better protection enforcement for certain marine animals in parts of the world. I would also make emission standards much more stringent.

What about you?
be incredibly filthy rich enough to fund the locals and grassroot organizations.
What would you do? For me, I would have better protection enforcement for certain marine animals in parts of the world. I would also make emission standards much more stringent.

What about you?

making emission standard is not gonna do diddly squat. it's actually a wrong approach and a very costly one.... impractical too.

it's much better to focus on something that's profitable, practical, and cost-effective like.... hybrid car or better traffic system. when you make emission standard much more stringent... it comes with cost... such as ethanol fuel which means driving up corn price and destroying the environment to grow corn. it's better to stick with what already worked for years and make it better like taking a gas-sipping engine from the past and improving it with new materials/tech.
making emission standard is not gonna do diddly squat. it's actually a wrong approach and a very costly one.... impractical too.

it's much better to focus on something that's profitable, practical, and cost-effective like.... hybrid car or better traffic system. when you make emission standard much more stringent... it comes with cost... such as ethanol fuel which means driving up corn price and destroying the environment to grow corn. it's better to stick with what already worked for years and make it better like taking a gas-sipping engine from the past and improving it with new materials/tech.

That's my goal. Make car companies switch to hybrid cars, therefore, the idea of making it much more expensive to build gas-eating cars and making hybrid cars more the norm, and cheaper to build, and more cost-effective than gasoline cars.
Definitely bring home our troops and stop all and any future wars.
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That's my goal. Make car companies switch to hybrid cars, therefore, the idea of making it much more expensive to build gas-eating cars and making hybrid cars more the norm, and cheaper to build, and more cost-effective than gasoline cars.

In fact, 100% electric vehicles are more effective than hybrid and gasoline. Why? Electric motors are much less maintenance than gasoline, hybrid, and diesel. Electric vehicles don't needs oil, transmission fluid, belts, sparks, injector, etc. Once electric motor got worn out and easy to replace it. No clue how long till motor worn out. The batteries got around 100,000 miles to replace the new one.

Did you know that hybrid are almost double maintenance than gasoline/diesel?

Thinking about future for gasoline and diesel price.
That's my goal. Make car companies switch to hybrid cars, therefore, the idea of making it much more expensive to build gas-eating cars and making hybrid cars more the norm, and cheaper to build, and more cost-effective than gasoline cars.

no. hybrid car is actually not a solution. it's PART of the solution. it's only great for metropolitan area... that's it. hybrid car is actually useless when it comes to highway and some.

and you do realize that hybrid car means battery and electronic stuff? look at long-term consequence.... our landfill will be filled with batteries in 10 years. and we will probably need to build more power plants to cope with recharging demands.

hybrid car will never be cheaper than gasoline car. it's complicated and it's expensive. the only way possible for a future car (which is electric) to be cheaper than gasoline car is to invent a battery technology that would completely change the course of humanity ever since e=mc2

currently - our iPhone battery can last probably a few hours from txting, games, phone call, etc. if a new battery technology can power our iPhone for even a day or two... that would dramatically change the world.

Tesla car is exciting and wonderful... and I can't imagine how Tesla car would completely change the world if its battery is cheap and small enough to keep the car running enough for up to 500+ miles.
Where they not working on hydrogen cars and wind powered cars. I think i heard it somewhere but not sure...
I would also invest in wind and solar power, too. You know that using metals to make electricty is running out? Read about this a few years back.

it's an opinion... not a fact nor a credible one... and you need to be more careful with what source you're reading it from and also how old the article is... I'd take it with a very tiny grain of salt

the author who wrote this article has no solid background in this issue. looking at her background..... she gets paid to bullshit :lol:
it's an opinion... not a fact nor a credible one... and you need to be more careful with what source you're reading it from and also how old the article is... I'd take it with a very tiny grain of salt

the author who wrote this article has no solid background in this issue. looking at her background..... she gets paid to bullshit :lol:

Dang it. I went back again, and found something worth posting, and yes, I did check this one (the one above I didn't because I had my focus elsewhere)


This is actually reliable. :|
I would ban oral-only deaf ed and make it mandatory that both ASL and speech are included in all deaf children's lives.
ban Cochlear implants, invasive surgery of this extreme on deafness should never have happened....
ban motocross for all children at under 14 years of age, all if want to do 2 wheels racing, they have to go on BMX first..its least pollution, least spoiling and more fair to other childrens who aren't well-off....
ban women's only gyms that is just sexist....
and also
ban drug abuse laws if they want to die from it so be it, and gangs would have far less profit and control over it.....
ban trucks from cities, including garbage trucks, use many small vans, more people working and quieter and less road maintenance costs....