If you could choose, how would you die?


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Peacefully in my sleep after I have said my goodbye's to my loved ones. :sadwave:
Most likely die laughing............

IN reality I would die from heart attack since all my family members have passed away from that......
I would want to die from suffication
I'd probably die in deathbed because more than half of my relatives died of cancer. I'd like to die outside, somewhere far away from city and right by the ocean.
I like to die by a beauiful sun set beyound the moutains of Tokyo, Japan, where that is my dream land.
Originally posted by Steel
I like to die by a beauiful sun set beyound the moutains of Tokyo, Japan, where that is my dream land.

Think that's gonna happen? The moment you know that you will die, you gonna make that plan happen?
Saturday, July 19, 2053 <--this is when I'm going to die, eh? Bullshit. LOL I would rather die in my sleep with no illness nor suffering, just like my grandma!
Originally posted by BostonIceFire
Think that's gonna happen? The moment you know that you will die, you gonna make that plan happen?

LOL! yea...
i think japan islands will be nuke and destroy by north korean in the future... :naughty:

anyway. before i die, i have to think about my life and learn many great values/lessons. talk to my love one who sit next to my deathbed. i hold her hands as i'm dying. the last word i'd like to say to my love one, "see you in next world." i die in the deathbed.

two options:
my body could be bury back in china, my homeland.
my body could become ashes and my love one throw them at the mountain in china.
I am not going to think about die.. IF someone happen to me or crush car or murder me or whatever it is come happen i will accpet it. I will be happy in heaven no matter what.
I always got a feeling that i would die right front of Darts lanes in any Bars ... Don't ask me why !!! it give me some sense that it relation to me ! lol ..
I'd want to die peacefully in my sleep. No suicide, No nothing, just a peaceful death.
I don't want think about die..I want be peaceful and blessing until happen to me then I'm very very freedom and happy in Heaven!