If U.S.A. was invaded tonight....

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Active Member
Apr 17, 2003
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I hope there is not repost relate this. ;)

Look at it this way, If another country invaded here tonight. I'm not exactly fighting FOR America, certainly not white America, but rather, my own interests. I may join the military, or I may choose to fight independently. Better to stick with an enemy you know than a stranger. For I'd be fightin' for my people's survival and self-esteem and I wouldn't fight for racists!

by a formidable opponent, whose side would you be on?? think about it...
I would fight for the community's survival, not for the state, racist or rich people.
Of course I would defend my country.
...Look at it this way, If another country invaded here tonight. I'm not exactly fighting FOR America, certainly not white America, but rather, my own interests....
Thanks a heap. :mad:

You know that I would fight to defend ALL Americans, regardless of color.
In case, I shall become the next George Washington who lead people to new next-gen freedom like nobody done before. Down USA. Hail PowerON kingdom! :D

Hmm.. I should dig my own base to be prepare.
In my opinion, this thread is extremely racist in nature, with the intend to cause trouble. I'm closing it now for review to be later deleted.
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