If I was javapride, I would post...



about how many cups of coffee I must drink to get perky each morning!

You should post something that matches the person's tendencies and completes the sentence in this thread topic.
*SLURRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP* as many different javas as i can just keep me upright so i don t go shaking all over the place LOL!
yah yah

let ROCKS!!!


BRB for more coffee cups.

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO U ROCK sissy LOLO soo true abt me,......


AHHH yah easy for me to say those tghings. but theres something U ALLL forgot!!!!!!!!

BRB FOR PEE thats my thing always do i have a SMALL bladder!
if I was Javapride, I'd post "What's the meaning/point of drinking java?" :laugh2:
where's my cuppa o java?

I would imagine her to say that in person too!
Originally posted by funnybebe78
that topic doesn't surprise me cuz java is STARBUCKS freak just like me ;)

NOT suprised u would posted this in here LMAO ... maybe i should start something LMAO! nah ur too sweet for the picking LOL! \,,/_ purrise :)
Originally posted by sablescort
*hold cup of plain coffee and spill it on flyfree's monitor*

dont take this the wrong way but i WOULD NEVER do that to her monitor thats a sign of disrespect........ its not the right thing to do ........