I'd Love to have this cake for my birthday

hmmm thanks for reminding me I have Easter kit kat bars! I better eat them up!
That is cute. I love people's creativity when it comes to desserts.
Yeah, so creative....and that looks like to me a very big bowl of chocolate pudding...the Easter Bunnies on top are a perfect final touch...

Better grab it, Grummer....
yeah its good , i cant think of ways to improve on that, especially as far as the do-ability for ordinary people (like me) im not cake-maker...even this seeminly simple theme 'pigs in chocolate mud-pool' is quite difficult to do without botching (see the tiny whirls for piggles tails, and pricks for nostrils, and eyes, evenly spaced and just right) very hard to get this precise...

its a well done damn good cake
Reminds me that my birthday is coming up soon. I need to get a nice cake for mine. This one gives me some ideas.
Yeah, so creative....and that looks like to me a very big bowl of chocolate pudding...the Easter Bunnies on top are a perfect final touch...

Better grab it, Grummer....

:giggle: they're actually pigs with :P see the lil curly tails sticking out of the "mud" :P
Taking a second look...yeah...it's little Piggies...wallowing in all that chocolate....Sort of like an invitation to Grummer...."Come on in...the chocolate's fine"!.....
This one's really cute. Yeah, yeah, I know. It's CATS !!!! :lol:

Yeah, so creative....and that looks like to me a very big bowl of chocolate pudding...the Easter Bunnies on top are a perfect final touch...

Better grab it, Grummer....

they're piggy not bunny. pigs loves play in mud so that a pigs in a mud cake.

Alleycat, I am not sure I would want a cake with rats around it!
We also don't eat cakes...but a little pudding is great....I do love to see professionally made Cakes.
its not rats, its mice!...now how about a cake with 3 or 4 layers, like at bottom, cheese (and real ones) then second with mice, then third with cat(s), then fourth with dog(s) and have all the four layers in different colours and flavours...
its not rats, its mice!...now how about a cake with 3 or 4 layers, like at bottom, cheese (and real ones) then second with mice, then third with cat(s), then fourth with dog(s) and have all the four layers in different colours and flavours...

That would be a very funny wedding cake for a vet! LOL!
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