Ice Storm

wow!!! good thing that i dont live there.. geez!!! but never know it will be happen!!! *knock on wood* :ugh:
wow, it looks like Ice Age !! This morning I drove through Route 115 and 27. It is so beautiful to see all branches tree with snow and icy coverage with sun. It is all crystal rainbow colorful. I love to see them. I wish, I have a camera with me to take those pictures.

I enjoyed to drive that roads this morning !
Yeah, I saw it thru email chains.

Beautiful pictures yes but but but driving on ice road .... :ugh:
Yea.. Lieb, that what I got email chains.. which where extactly location coming from but no sign of coming form.. Until Vampy post it here actual site. Finally get to know more....

It's Denmark....
I believe that placed must be extact location site "de" server..

Simlair Nigara Falls has snow storm and breeze spray all over the fences/road/chairs.... never seen cars caught full of icy..

Impressive auto-cars and boats are caught by full icy. Wha...beautiful icy all over it. Purfect looking snap picture..
Gee, those heavy ice could sink the boats down to bottom! :eek: How the heck owners get in their iced automobiles?!? With ice picks?
OMG! That's the worst ice storm pictures I've seen in my life! Wow!!! It's a big mess, it's gonna take days to melt the ice then can use the cars that were frozen solid. :P
OMG>. haha.. for sure that we cant drive those cars till thaw!!
Definitely no ice storm that caused this--several clues worthy to take note of, such as the top of the trees being untouched with no ice forming on that part, the pattern and direction of the grooves the ice is formed on the cars and benches and lastly the important clue which is the water behind this spectacle and showcase of ice...seeing the direction these waves are thrashing about....It sure will take more than just an ice-pick to free these vehicles and what a task it'll be for those owners! :whistle:

I can remember well the ice-storm my hometown had back in '93 which many trees, tree limbs/branches and power lines were down, several buildings even suffered damage either to fallen trees or heavy ice on was really bad, practically shut down the city to a standstill...we can handle blizzards and other weather plights, but icy storms can be exceedingly hard to cope and manage with. Hope to never experience something like this again--

Thanks for sharin' the pics Vampy.... :cool:
Bullym0m said:
It's Denmark....
I believe that placed must be extact location site "de" server..
On the contrary, ".de" sites usually located in Germany. But I am not sure where the places in these pictures that Vampy posted though.

Wow, these pictures are beautiful but scary at same time. Thanks for showing!
wow wow!! better not be in my homestate! lol ...

yeah i remmy back in 1993 .. icy storm as 2 inches thick of ice everywhere!! , been stuck at home for a week without powers , we used our grillers outside and kept put woods in grill , kept us warm, at night time, we slept by the campfire outside to keep the warm us! instead stayed inside of house u know what it feel ... dang!! i dont wanna it happened again!!

sequoias said:
OMG! That's the worst ice storm pictures I've seen in my life! Wow!!! It's a big mess, it's gonna take days to melt the ice then can use the cars that were frozen solid. :P
Yes, I know! :eek2: I cannot believe that the ice are so thick! We could go skating for a month! Dang, that's wild Vampyrox!
Lol, Vamps.....did ya see that lil guy on the bow of the boat in the very last picture....doesn't he look like Sleepy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves? LOL!
Magatsu said:
On the contrary, ".de" sites usually located in Germany. But I am not sure where the places in these pictures that Vampy posted though.

Wow, these pictures are beautiful but scary at same time. Thanks for showing!

I noticed first as I read your post over "de" then go back Vampy´s link. Yes, it´s from Germany.

"bilder" = picture
"de" = Deutschland (Germany).

Yes, we do have snow and ice here in Germany but but but that picture???? :shock: I will find out which place soon.