I will soon summer process job apply!


Premium Member
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
I have lot proud of hard work final confidental experinece work traing hard work almost to 2 months!

my boss review observed me successfully no absence, I will ready really job plan focus process :) I am lots of next weeks or soon
I will hard lots of not easy stress, I am very encourage to volunteer communication. I was very rough lots of hard work I know busy rough I love job! I really wise effort to show up times advise

I am happy loty of accept positive handle hard work patient effort patitent :) not easy complication! I exciting soon!
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It's not easy to make a dollar! Good attendance is very important. Jobs are important so people can eat and pay rent..good luck!
Travis: good luck in the new job with your recent hard work.
I am lots of pretty really exciting soon close plan, hires interpreter job couch really nice person ,also professional and lots of support I exciting :)
That's great, Travis! Keep it up and you will be wonderful! Good Luck! :)
hey News hears Good, Final I am got news job :) I am missing to my boss old my real volunteer old experience wonderful
my boss accept , my new manager boss will teach do it to willing to job hiring to me wonderful proud of me ,recycle techincal. plus love lots of impressive elecletic techincal also I have lots of ready full times :) sound look likes news great wonderful they will let know me wonderful early! I am happy almost to lots of hard work! Good luck for me ! Final for me!
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i have job not yet, I have soon new another job

I disappointment work, my client told me people lay off people I am surprised
Soon Oct I am exciting, I am happy my client know me I work for on soon!

I will tell you name kindly, appreciate us
Wirelessly posted

All the best for your new job! So happy for you!
You boss is lucky to have you. You sound like a good worker!

no, I think support me VCO me I am appreciate to me I am happy for quick on soon I will process I exciting to love to I hear news, I am very glad of happy proud of process I will next Oct,

VC rebehabitation is pretty quick on hires on best search find on news job :) I am happy I hope be expect i will do it! sound look likes good! Great!
plus coach interpreter ;)
Update, again I hope be call Dry Fryer cheer
next week I am very lots of work this week busy continue to job!!! :)

Final It is very lots of skills on roles on evaluation

call Safeway cal evaluation for me interview for me I love it Dry Donate I hope! :) cheer!

EDIT : Fall soon job! ready!