only way to ensure you have a daughter is adopting one ... otherwise it's 50/50.
I hope you'd love a son the same way as a daughter
So physical attractiveness, while a universally positive quality, contributes even more to women’s reproductive success than to men’s. The generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis would therefore predict that physically attractive parents should have more daughters than sons. Once again, this indeed appears to be the case. Young Americans who are rated “very attractive” have roughly a 44% chance of having a son for their first child (and thus a 56% chance of having a daughter). In contrast, everyone else has roughly a 52% chance of having a son (and thus a 48% chance of having a daughter) for their first child. Being “very attractive” increases the odds of having a daughter by 36% or decreases the odds of having a son by 26%!
Just have to make sure to marry a hottie
Boy or girl? What determines the sex of your child? III | Psychology Today
Ok, I'll rephrase...
REALISTICALLY Unless you adopt - you can't control if you have a boy or a girl.
For what it's worth most of the "really hot couples" I know had boys first.
Matajan always seem to want, want and want this and that.
It's tiresome. Now I'm gonna figure out how to put Martianjan on Ignore.
I was teasing anyway. Consider the source of the acrtice.
Why not?
never mind...i met someone else that has no disability, just nomal and catholic and slim blonde girl, still looks cute but a year older than me.
and then what happened?