I want a Moto A630


New Member
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
i want an A630 but it has ben discontinued by motorola and thay are still going for obseen prices on ebay a freind of mine got the last one at a store for $50 and im hopeing to get the same deal if i put the word out that i want one.
crap i missed it bidding has ended , but it had the head set with out the phone blah o well i will gwt one soon tho i hoope
am a seller of moblie phones


i will like to tell you that i have a better phone to sell ,like nokia motorola and mores of it so if you are interested contact me on my email address ;kbensonsstores@yahoo.com
sale eletronic


i will like to tell you that i have a better phone to sell ,like nokia motorola and mores of it and eletronic like Games laptop gidital camera so if you are interested contact me on my email tv you can contact me on my email adress azukagodwin@yahoo.com