I Need Your Help Asap!!! Pleaseee =)


New Member
Feb 2, 2006
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Hey Guys I Need Your Help!!! If Anyone Can That Would Be Great Email Me. Well Heres The Thing Im Hoh As Most Of You Know And I Want Cart My Conselour Ini College Wont Give Me It. Hm Isnt There A Law I Thought I Saw It On Agbell.org Someone On This Told Me Once About Agbell And I Saw There Was A Law And Now I Cant Find It. I Need Your Help Asap. Please. I Dont Know And Understand Why Me And My Deaf Friend Have To Struggle In College And That Our Conselour Wont Give Us Cart Or Cprint. Im Going Nuts. I Thought There Was A Law. I Found Out Just About An Hour Ago That I Wont Get Cart For Next Semester. Let Me Know Where I Can Get That Thanks Guys!!!

7. Do I have the right to receive the specific accommodation I request or can the mediator provide something else?

If more than one accommodation solution would meet your needs, the mediator may choose which one to provide. If the mediator's proposed accommodation would not be effective for you, explain to the mediator why, so that she has an opportunity to explore an alternative accommodation with you.

Example: A party with a learning disability requests to tape record the mediation session, explaining to the mediator that this will accommodate her inability to take comprehensive notes. The mediator is concerned that allowing a tape recording of the mediation session will inhibit the other participants and may raise confidentiality concerns, so instead offers to provide a qualified note taker for the session. Assuming the notes are satisfactory, this may be an equally effective accommodation.

Example: A party who is deaf requests that the mediator provide Computer-Assisted Realtime Translation (CART) services for the mediation, whereby a qualified transcriptionist contemporaneously types a transcript of what is said at the mediation session(s), and it appears on a screen for the party to read. The mediator wishes to offer a sign language interpreter instead of CART, to reduce the expense. Absent undue hardship, the mediator must provide CART if a sign language interpreter would not be an equally effective accommodation for the individual, for example if the party does not use sign language or if no interpreter is available to communicate in the type of sign language the party uses.
Brian said:



The ADA law is on your side and your counselor doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. If there is still a refusal, sounds like an ADA lawsuit.
plby a stuck keyboard not his/her fault some of us has that andsome of us uses caps for visual aid.
I ran into the same resistance when I requested CART for some of my classes. I don't know where you go to school, but it's seems that smaller colleges like the one I attend just don't have enough. TX Woman's Univ only has 3 CART interpreters that I know of and during the last few weeks of the semester they were down to 2 because one or the interpreter's equipment broke down. That's for at least 25-30 deaf and HOH students. Maybe they lack the funding or there just aren't enough trained interpreters in smaller towns.

My Disability Services office also seems to follow a kind of hierarchy as far as assistance. They'll offer the least expensive alternative first. After you've tried that and it doesn't work for you, they'll offer something else. However, they told me that I wouldn't qualify for CART regardless, because my grades were too good. It didn't matter to them that my grades were good because I put 3 times more effort into it in order to make the same grades that everyone else was making. I didn't think that was right.

I don't have to worry about it now. All the courses for the graduate program are online.