I need help!


New Member
Jan 20, 2004
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I'm trying to teach my dad ASL, I wonder what kind of ASL book is more apporiate for someone are trying to learn ASL? I only see him once or twice week at work (if I have time to go to Capitol and if Student Senate mtg doesn't run too long). He already know 4- ILY, Stop, Crying, Complaining (my interpreter taught him that with me). I know he work as a legislative security, and I only see him in hallway that's it. Altough we communicate via paper and pen, and some gestures. I miss him, won't see him this week, due to lots of stuff going on at my school this week. Hope next week!!!!
Vocabulary wise, I would suggest a book with clear instruction and not just pictures. You can't always tell what you're supposed to do just from the pictures.
Count your blessings. Your dad knows more signs than either of my parents, and I saw them every day untill I moved out recently.
ASL videos

Books can only show and explain so much. As ASL student, I learned more signs by watching other people and videos. A series that I would recommend is 'The Bravo Family'. It is 15-17 tapes with basic signs and information on Deaf Culture. I think that it's also on DVD now if prefer that way. Good luck to you both. :)

I had brain fart and thought that you were in DC. Most large public libraries have loan programs for books/videos. Also many residential schools have loan programs too. Hope that you can find them.
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ITPjohn said:
Books can only show and explain so much. As ASL student, I learned more signs by watching other people and videos. A series that I would recommend is 'The Bravo Family'. It is 15-17 tapes with basic signs and information on Deaf Culture. I think that it's also on DVD now if prefer that way. Good luck to you both. :)

I had brain fart and thought that you were in DC. Most large public libraries have loan programs for books/videos. Also many residential schools have loan programs too. Hope that you can find them.

I second this. I've tried learning from books but its difficult. Whats worked for me best so far (outside of face to face interaction) is using a web cam. Some members here have been very helpful with their webcams in showing me proper signs, and then viewing me making sure I was doing it properly. Those people have no idea how much those little things helped.

The sites that reba pointed out are great..you get to see signs in action, where books often lack the entire sign. I find many books have the start of the sign and then the finish, but can be lacking whats in between. Real life interaction, seeing video or web cam, and looking at actual motion are great. I use these in conjunction with some books that teach the grammar of ASL. I use the books for my ASL rules and grammar and use real people to show me the signs.
Or, you could check for free courses in your metropolitan area where your sugar daddy could learn signs.
Brian said:
Or, you could check for free courses in your metropolitan area where your sugar daddy could learn signs.

hahaha u are funny, brian...

Anyways I will talk with him, see what and how he want to learn ASL and then I will let you know.. I hope to see him again on monday (too bad legislature have to be in session since schools are out! for President day). ..
Abc Basic Course of Amercain Sign is good.

Hi Rachel,
The ABC Basic Course of American Sign is a good book to teach your Dad ASL.
Also they have it in VHS, I have both, but I don't use them anymore.
Another good way is to pratice with your Dad and the interpreter.
I've known ASL for 30 yrs(I'm an interperter myself).
Good Luck!
Rachel, this is not in line with your original question but why don't you and Dad get pagers?
Tousi said:
Rachel, this is not in line with your original question but why don't you and Dad get pagers?
Good idea!

Actually, that is still in line with the general issue of communication between daughter and dad.

Sign language communication is wonderful as an eventual goal. In the meantime, Rachel and Dad can begin easier communication right away with text pagers.
Yeah, Reba, especially when they are travelling all over and physically apart from one another...