I must confess..


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Post something that you want to confess about.. about anything!

Note: If it is bad thing about other member of this forum.. I will have it reported to the mods.. THANKS!

So.. let's the fun thing started?

For me, I must confess that I am addicted to cholcate but starting to cut down on it now since I am working out alot and losing weight. My goal is to go back to size 5 before I was pregnant. I am doing well lately! :D
I must confess that I am getting sleepy. I can't seem to get ready for bed.
I'm confess.... *Yawning repeatedly* this am...

sort of dogs and cats are pouring here..... BUT frigg'n Happy stay warm weather forever!
I confess that I do agreed with GA! Sure we do love the warm weather! :giggle:
I confess, its friggin freezing in here! It is 18 degree outside.I just woke up this morning.Oh, not feeling morning person and I am drinking my coffee right now...
Lol! ! Confess ?!? Im confess that Im very addicted is coffee and little shopping....shh shh.. dont tell my husband.. hehe.. just kidding..har har har:laugh2:

I must confess that i just got home from town seeing my dr and went shopping.. its cold here already! wow! :D
I must confess that our ground is icy with snow on top of it, that I left dog leash on the ground the night before. Now I can't frigging pull leash thru the ice!!! urgh!!
I must confess that our ground is icy with snow on top of it, that I left dog leash on the ground the night before. Now I can't frigging pull leash thru the ice!!! urgh!!

:laugh2: that's was cute!!...Why not start a little fire?...
I must confess that I'm soooo in LOVE with my man!! :kiss:

LOL Tousi, why don't you take a day off and blow dry Peachy Lady's drive-way for her ;)....
I must confess that I am a cheese addict! Cant resist having cheese on everything. Trying to cut down my intake.
Today is so beautiful outside with a 65 degree! I am coffee addicted. Sigh...
I confess that I am addict to Dr. Pepper...sigh! I need to cut it down somehow.
I confess that I addict to Dr. Pepper and watching movies. Subscrible 6 DVDs at a time from Netflix weekly.
I confess that I addict and purchase more Orchid Plants :):):)